To contain monkeypox .. an “urgent request” from the World Health Organization

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ويتوطن monkeypoxa viral infection that causes mild symptoms, in African countries, but its spread to Europe andUnited State It raises concerns, and there are, so far, more than 200 confirmed and suspected infections, about 20 of them in areas where the virus has not appeared before.

WHO Director of Infectious Risk Preparedness Sylvie Briand said in a briefing to member states at the United Nations’ annual assembly: "We believe if we take the right actions now we can contain it easily".

She stressed that there is a window of opportunity to prevent the spread, and urged the general public to avoid concern because transmission of infection is much slower than other viruses such as Corona Virus.

. Officials said health organization There is no need for mass vaccination at the present time, but the real need is to vaccinate contacts of infected people wherever available.

Rosamund Lewis, head of the Smallpox Secretariat in the WHO Emergency Program, stated: "The best options are case testing, contact tracing, and home isolation".


ويتوطن monkeypoxa viral infection that causes mild symptoms, in African countries, but its spread to Europe andUnited State It raises concerns, and there are, so far, more than 200 confirmed and suspected infections, about 20 of them in areas where the virus has not appeared before.

“We believe that if we take the right measures now we can easily contain it,” Sylvie Briand, director of WHO’s Department of Infectious Risk Preparedness, said in a briefing to member states at the United Nations’ annual assembly.

She stressed that there is a window of opportunity to prevent the spread, and urged the general public to avoid concern because transmission of infection is much slower than other viruses such as Corona Virus.

. Officials said health organization There is no need for mass vaccination at the present time, but the real need is to vaccinate contacts of infected people wherever available.

“The best options are to test cases, trace contacts, and isolate at home,” said Rosamund Lewis, head of the Smallpox Secretariat of the WHO’s emergency program.

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