To fill up on antioxidants, eat mango

2023-08-09 08:22:13

Two studies have recently demonstrated the effects of mango as a low-calorie snack but also as a source of antioxidants.

often overlooked, antioxidants yet have many benefits and health benefits. First of all, they make it possible to delay the aging of the skin and the eyes. Then, they prevent the fats present in our body from oxidizing, thus limiting the onset of serious illnesses. Finally, regular consumption would help reduce the risk of cancer.

Antioxidants have the particularity of being naturally present in many fruits and vegetables. In fact, it is easy to consume them and contribute to the good health of our body. Among the fruits and vegetables that count the most are spices, berries, dried beans or peppers. But a new fruit could join this list.

Indeed, two teams of researchers have looked into the case of the mango. And their findings reveal that the fruit is good in more ways than one.

Eating 100g of mango daily has a real impact on so-called oxidative stress

The two studies in question and their conclusions were presented at the American Society for Nutrition held at the end of July 2023. These had the common point of determining the antioxidant impact of mango but also of having the same volunteers in common over 24 weeks.

First, the 27 participants were divided into two groups. The first had been instructed to take 100g of mango as a snack per day. While the second had to eat low-fat biscuits. Then halfway through, the roles were reversed. Finally, to analyze the effects of mango on health, the researchers took 3 blood samples during the experiment.

At the end of the experiment, the researchers studied two specific data: the increase in certain enzymes and the effects on oxidative stress. Both studies have shown very encouraging results.

Rich in antioxidants but also in fiber, vitamins and low in calories

In the first, it is demonstrated that 100g of fresh mango limit the impact of free radicals (those cells that contribute to skin aging). While the second tells us that the fruit increases the production of glutathione peroxidase. In fact, the fruit has two beneficial antioxidant actions.

But that’s not all. Indeed, the mango is a fruit that is both rich in vitamin C and dietary fibre. Consuming it regularly helps to promote intestinal transit. Finally, it is a fairly low-calorie fruit with a ratio of around 70 calories per 100g of fresh fruit. There is therefore no reason to deprive yourself of it!

#fill #antioxidants #eat #mango

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