To repel “any attack”, the Italian navy cordoned off the Mediterranean gas pipelines

Italia Further steps may be taken in the coming days, especially with the presence of tensions in the White Sea and the military movements of several countries on its coasts.

This step is becoming more and more important, with the announcement of the company "Gazprom" Russia suspends deliveries of natural gas to Italy, starting from Saturday; This is exacerbating the energy crisis in Europe.

500 personnel and marine units

And Italian media reported that 500 soldiers are now working to protect gas lines in the Mediterranean, distributed among ships, planes and naval vessels.

The reinforcements, which included 3 naval units, 12 underwater vehicles and helicopters, are the maximum operational force mobilized to meet the dangers present in the Mediterranean.

And last week, sabotage targeted two gas lines "Nord Stream 1 and 2" extending from Russia to Europe, in the damage of the offshore gas pipeline between Italy and Germany.

gas war arena

In the estimation of the Italian analyst Daniele Ruffnetti, it "At this time, the gas pipelines that connect us with Libya, Algeria and Tunisia are a vital national interest that needs to be protected, as never before.".

It is inferred that "what happened to"Nord Stream" It was a precedent, and therefore pipeline infrastructures were no longer secure, at sea and elsewhere; Because sabotage is part of the hybrid warfare activities that are no less than the movements of tanks on the battlefield".

Accordingly, the presence of Russian military naval units patrolling the Mediterranean is dictated by the need for Italy’s defense of the national interest, according to Rofiniti, who also stressed the security of submarine cables.

When asked regarding the possibility of pushing Italian warships into the sovereign waters of southern Mediterranean countries such as Libya, he replied that: "The plans of the Italian Ministry of Defense are not clear on this yet".

bone fracture

For his part, Libyan political analyst Ibrahim Al-Fitouri describes the attack on "Nord Stream" As a dangerous development, it turned the war into "bone breaking stage".

He believes that the Mediterranean, although since ancient times, is an arena of operations between world powers "But the tension did not reach the moment it is witnessing now".

And he gives examples, that within a few days "We have witnessed a remarkable movement of the British Navy on the coasts of Libya, and the activity of Turkey and Italy"It is expected that the situation will become more complex.

what happened to"Nord Stream"؟

● On September 26, successive accidents occurred near the pipelines of two export lines Russian gas To Europe, it caused a gas leak on the Danish island of Bornholm.

● On the same day, a seismograph in Bornholm recorded an earthquake at two o’clock in the morning and another seven in the evening, and seismologists in Sweden recorded strong explosions under the sea before the gas leak.

● On September 27, the Danish army said it had photographs indicating the appearance of circles with a diameter of between 200 and 1,000 meters on the surface of the Baltic Sea following the bombings.

● On September 28, Sweden and Denmark announced that they did not yet know the cause of the gas leak.

● On September 29, Sweden announced the discovery of a fourth leak.

● Russia, European countries and the United States exchanged hints and hints of mutual accusations regarding sabotaging the two lines.


According to experts who spoke to “Sky New Arabia”, Italia Further steps may be taken in the coming days, especially with the presence of tensions in the White Sea and the military movements of several countries on its coasts.

This step is becoming more and more important, with the announcement ofGazpromRussia will suspend deliveries of natural gas to Italy, starting from Saturday, which exacerbates the energy crisis in Europe.

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500 personnel and marine units

And Italian media reported that 500 soldiers are now working to protect gas lines in the Mediterranean, distributed among ships, planes and naval vessels.

The reinforcements, which included 3 naval units, 12 underwater vehicles and helicopters, are the maximum operational force mobilized to meet the dangers present in the Mediterranean.

And last week, sabotage targeted two gas lines Nord Stream 1 and 2 extending from Russia to Europe, in the damage of the offshore gas pipeline between Italy and Germany.

gas war arena

In the estimation of Italian analyst Daniele Rufiniti, “At this time, the gas pipelines that connect us with Libya, Algeria and Tunisia are a vital national interest that must be protected, as never before.”

It is inferred that “what happened to “Nord Stream” was a precedent, and therefore the pipeline infrastructures are no longer safe, at sea and elsewhere, because sabotage is part of the hybrid warfare activities that are no less than the movements of tanks on the battlefield.”

Accordingly, the presence of Russian military naval units patrolling the Mediterranean is dictated by the need for Italy’s defense of the national interest, according to Rofiniti, who also stressed the security of submarine cables.

When asked regarding the possibility of pushing Italian warships into the sovereign waters of southern Mediterranean countries such as Libya, he replied that “the plans of the Italian Ministry of Defense are not clear in this so far.”

bone fracture

For his part, Libyan political analyst Ibrahim Al-Fitouri describes the attack on “Nord Stream” as a dangerous development, which turned the war into a “bone-breaking stage.”

He believes that the Mediterranean, although it has been an arena of operations between world powers since ancient times, “but the tension has not reached the moment it is witnessing now.”

He gives examples, that within a few days, “we witnessed a remarkable movement of the British Navy on the coasts of Libya, and the activity of Turkey and Italy,” expecting that the situation would become more complicated.

What happened to Nord Stream?

● On September 26, successive accidents occurred near the pipelines of two export lines Russian gas To Europe, it caused a gas leak on the Danish island of Bornholm.

● On the same day, a seismograph in Bornholm recorded an earthquake at two o’clock in the morning and another seven in the evening, and seismologists in Sweden recorded strong explosions under the sea before the gas leak.

● On September 27, the Danish army said it had photographs indicating the appearance of circles with a diameter of between 200 and 1,000 meters on the surface of the Baltic Sea following the bombings.

● On September 28, Sweden and Denmark announced that they did not yet know the cause of the gas leak.

● On September 29, Sweden announced the discovery of a fourth leak.

● Russia, European countries and the United States exchanged hints and hints of mutual accusations regarding sabotaging the two lines.

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