To win $20,000 online, this gamer runs his PC with… a car

2023-07-22 07:15:00

To participate in a highly prized esports tournament, you have to put the odds on your side. Living in South Africa, where domestic power cuts can be frequent, Oliver “Olympic“Gaenssler has decided to abandon electrical outlets in his home in favor of… his car battery ! This pro Rocket League player has published on Twitter edifying photos on which we can indeed see his PC and his internet equipment connected to the battery of his car.

The battery more reliable than household electricity

Connecting your equipment to your car battery to play in a cash prized Rocket League tournament of 20,000 euros, you had to dare. According to Oliver”Olympic“Gaenssler, however, was the best solution given the large number of power cuts in South Africa.

In May, when the player opts for this unusual connection, the country is indeed affected by frequent domestic cuts. Some of them are even programmed by the government in order to save electricity.

Not to reproduce at home!

Using your car to produce the electricity needed to play Rocket League is the height. But if the idea may seem attractive on paper in the event of a domestic power cut, it remains risky. It is indeed a very good way to cause engine failure and have to call in the repairmen… The maneuver is also rather dangerous, unless you are an experienced mechanic. Finally, it also requires being able to position one’s car close to one’s set-up play, without disturbing the neighborhood or traffic.

More seriously, there is a simple and much safer method to deal with these situations: standby generators !

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