Today the censure of the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies is voted – La Discusión 2024-05-10 15:19:45

This Monday the censure of the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies will be voted on and Chile Vamos maintains its criticism of the Republican Party and the Social Christian party, despite the fact that they will cast their vote in favor of the motion.

After the definition of the new leader, with Karol Cariola (PC) at the helm, the aforementioned parties presented actions seeking the dismissal of the board of directors less than 24 hours after being elected.

The above, because they accuse alleged interference by the Government in the election of the table, based on the statements of Vice President Gaspar Rivas, who assured that as part of the negotiations the Executive offered him the position in exchange for his vote. Sayings he later backed down.

However, the action has been harshly criticized by the opposition, despite the fact that in Chile Vamos several parliamentarians have said that they will vote in favor, taking into account the risk that the table will be ratified for a second time.

“I think it is obvious amateurism. A presentation of a censorship in a haphazard manner. What the Republican Party did seems tremendously irresponsible to me,” said deputy Andrés Longton (RN).

In that sense, he added that “what is going to happen in practice is that the table is going to end up affirming and that is obviously counterproductive to the goal that was wanted to be achieved. It seems to me that here political and party interests were put first, instead of unity and dialogue related to a certain bloc, which is that of the opposition.”

In a similar vein, the president of Amarillos, Andrés Jouannet, clarified that he has not made a decision regarding the motion, but that the “underlying issue is the crude interference of the Executive in the election of the Chamber table. That can not be allowed. However, the decision to immediately censor seems a bit foolish to me.”

On the other hand, from the ruling party they point out that censorship calls into question the institutionality of the Chamber of Deputies.

The second vice president of the party, Eric Aedo (DC), hopes that the opposition will reflect on the consequences that censorship can have.

If this censorship is approved, the Chilean parliament and the Chamber of Deputies will enter an even more acute process of balkanization and polarization. We are going to begin a process that is going to worsen over time and that is simply going to irreversibly damage the democratic process in Chile,” he declared.

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