Today’s horoscope and predictions for Thursday September 8 September: know what the stars have in store for you in love and money, according to your zodiac sign | How many zodiac signs are there? Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces | Horoscope


In classical astrology, Venus is slightly cold and damp. Favorable qualities for growth and life, that is why the ancients saw in it a beneficial influence. She rules over adolescence and up to twenty-one years of age, a period of life where freshness and beauty reach their maximum expression. Those ruled by Venus are endowed with good character and great magnetism. They are peaceful, cheerful, social, tender, pious and merciful people. They incline to all kinds of artistic expression, such as dance and dance; they are elegant, full of grace in their gestures, as well as sensual and inclined to pleasures.


In classical astrology, Mars is dry and hot, aspects contrary to life. Therefore, it is related to war, lawsuit, combat and competition. According to the Hippocratic theory of the four humours, Mars is related to the choleric temperament and yellow bile. Well disposed, of brave, vigorous people, quick to compete, start or fight. Badly disposed, he tends to accidents, surgical operations; gives an arrogant personality, an inclination to seek litigation; they love debate because of their taste for controversy and confrontation.


In classical astrology, Jupiter is hot and humid, attributes necessary for the gestation of life, therefore, it is considered a beneficial planet. Governs maturity up to sixty-eight years. Well disposed makes people religious, just, faithful, merciful, cheerful, generous and full of grace. In destiny, it influences wealth, honors, dignities, fame, glory, abundance of children and happiness with them. It is the natural significator of money, therefore, it favors economic well-being and expansion.



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