Tomomi Kahara, who lost about 25 kilograms in 3 months, changed her physical condition due to a large diet “I’m sorry. Mama”: J-CAST News

On April 9, 2022, singer Tomomi Kahara revealed on her blog about the changes in her physical condition after a major diet.

Mr. Hanahara has announced that he is on a diet. She revealed that she weighed 54.7 kilograms in her blog on April 2. She claims to have weighed 79 kilograms as of January 1, which means she has been on a 24.3 kilogram diet in about three months.

  • Tomomi Kahara 4 months ago (from her Instagram @ post on December 31, 2009)

  • Tomomi Kahara after dieting (from her blog on April 11, 2010 at noon)

    Tomomi Kahara after dieting (from her blog on April 11, 2010 at noon)

  • Tomomi Kahara 4 months ago (from her Instagram @ post on December 31, 2009)
  • Tomomi Kahara after dieting (from her blog on April 11, 2010 at noon)

“If you get used to it, it will be cured”

In a blog on the 9th, Mr. Hanahara reported that he did color at the beauty salon that day. She also said from a beautician she had a close relationship with, she said, “She was thin-I’m happy-” and she said, “I was very happy.”

On the other hand, Mr. Hanahara cut out, “I have something to worry about,” and confessed, “I’ve had migraines and dizziness since I became thin, and my dizziness is terrible.” She said she was “different from day to day,” but when she was seen at the hospital, she revealed that she was “because she lost weight suddenly.”

Mr. Hanahara said, “I’m going to go to the hospital if it’s too bad.” He said, “I’m sorry for my mother. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for my family.” Although,

“Well, if you get used to it, it will be cured, so I’m not worried about it and I don’t care.”
“Today the weather is nice and I can walk with my boy on the buggy so don’t worry.”

It was spelled positive to the last.

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