“Tonka Tomicic’s Adventure on the Austral Road and Patagonia National Park: A Healing Journey”

2023-05-12 03:12:09

On his fourth day of crossing the Austral road, Tonka Tomicic He told details of his walk through the Patagonia National Park and the sudden fear that he felt during part of the four-hour journey.

the cheerleader Canal 13 He said that this Thursday he left early and went through Puerto Bertrand and then reached the confluence of the baker river with the nef river. “I have been very lucky since the good weather has accompanied me, so I enjoyed it through all the senses!” He commented in your instagram account.

Then he went on his way to Cochranebut before he went through the Patagonia Park, in the Chacabuco sector. “It is immense and its mountain range is overwhelming, there I followed a path that was more than 19 kilometers long, I reached 6 kilometers and it was hard along the way”, he described.

It was at that point that he suddenly felt fear, for a famous inhabitant of those lands. ”I must admit that total and utter loneliness terrified me going upI thought of the sign of the pum️as”, he acknowledged.

“I knew you had to raise your arms but what made me hesitate, even to start the walk, it was saying fight!!!”, commented the communicator.

A “healing” getaway

It was last Tuesday when Tonka He surprised everyone by reappearing on social networks and nothing less than with a walk through the southern zone.

“I launched into the adventure of the Austral road. First trip completely alone. A challenge”, wrote the model, who was in the crosshairs of the media due to the scandal of the Relojes case, where he was accused of smuggling Parivedhis now ex-partner.

Who proposed the trip was Ricardo Cantin, an entertainment journalist who is a close friend of hers and who currently lives in Coyhaique. “Her idea was for her to make the trip alone, because I could have accompanied her, but the idea was what happened alone. It was a spiritual and healing journey for her.to reconnect with nature”, commented the exopinologist.

#admit #total #loneliness.. #Tonka #Tomicic #confesses #fear #felt #walking #south

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