Top 10 Foods to Avoid for a Flatter Stomach

2023-08-11 12:11:38

After a large meal or not, it is not uncommon to have your stomach swell to the point of wanting to loosen your belt. Some foods actually complicate digestion. To prevent unpleasant bloating, here is the list of foods to eat in moderation.

Raw vegetables

Crudités are rich in mineral salts and vitamins, essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, it is better not to abuse them if you are prone to bloating because they are particularly rich in fibers that are difficult to digest and “irritate the intestine”, explains Doctor Jean-Michel Cohen.

To limit abdominal swelling without completely banishing raw vegetables from your diet, the specialist advises peeling them well “because it is often the skin that is not digestible”, and cutting them into small pieces “in order to pre-digest the food”.


In the vegetable category, there are also crucifers, i.e. broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, as well as Brussels sprouts, due to their high content of raffinose, a complex sugar that can be causing flatulence and bloating. “They will require a lot of bacteria to digest”, and therefore produce more gas.


We can also mention leeks, as well as asparagus. And for good reason, these foods are composed of cellulose and hemicelluloses, “insoluble fibers that are difficult to bear”, notes the nutritionist doctor, who recommends that people with fragile intestines consume plants in the form of puree or soup. .


To keep a flat stomach after the meal, it is also recommended to reduce your consumption of legumes – lentils, red and white beans, chickpeas… – because “putrefaction (decomposition of food under the action of bacteria, editor’s note ), is slower. This thus produces a “release of gas, methane, which is responsible for the swelling of the intestine, and this feeling of bloating”.


On the list of foods that make the stomach swell, we finally find those containing seeds, such as tomatoes, currants, or even grapes. “The glitch can slip between two folds of the mucous membrane and cause irritation. And to fight against it, details Dr. Cohen, author of the book “Nourish your health” (ed. First), the cells will secrete gas”.

white bread

Watch out for white bread too. Its refined flour is low in fiber which complicates the smooth running of digestion and generally causes swelling of the belly. It is wiser to turn to wholemeal bread, which is much more interesting in terms of nutrition.


Often the banana is eaten when it is still too green. This more solid texture can affect transit or even cause constipation. It is therefore recommended to eat them very ripe to better digest them.

French fries

French fries also tend to slow down intestinal transit. The fats they contain require a lot of energy to digest.

Dairy desserts

Dairy products are difficult for some people to digest. They require specific enzymes that some stomachs struggle to produce. For this reason, we will favor desserts made from fermented milk.

#foods #stomach #swell

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