Top 6 Vaccines Recommended by Dr. Lab Panda for Adults: Protect Your Health Today!

2023-10-24 11:30:00

“Doctor Lab Panda” recommends 6 vaccines that adults should get. Check carefully what vaccines are included. Ready to advise if anyone wants to inject another one. Try going to consult a doctor.

Date: 24 Oct. 2023 Dr. Pakpoom Dethasdin, famous medical technician Fan page owner Panda Lab Doctor posted a message stating: “I confess that I just recovered from the flu. Brothers and sisters, it’s so painful. I haven’t posted much or followed the news lately. My body hurts. Even though I take good care of my health, I still get sick, I have a really bad cough, and I have a headache and my whole body aches. Anyway, take care of your health, everyone. Today we talk about vaccines. Let’s see how adults like us What vaccinations should I get?

1. Pneumonia vaccine

Everyone aged 65 years and over should get the shot because at this age their immune system is already weakened. If the lungs become infected and become infected in the bloodstream You may die. Two injections should be given to protect against 13 strains and 23 strains of infection, spaced 6-12 months, for lifelong protection.

2. Shingles vaccine

Everyone aged 60 years and over should get the injection for lifelong protection. People who have had shingles before can get the injection. Because there are many studies showing that even if you already have shingles Vaccines can still reduce the incidence of this disease.

3. Flu vaccine

It’s spreading at this time. Some people reading this post still have the flu and just a cough. The flu vaccine can be given to everyone at every age. You should get the shot once a year, it’s better than not getting the shot because it can prevent about 50-60% of getting the flu. If you have the flu People who have been vaccinated will have very mild symptoms.

4. Hepatitis B vaccine

Adults of all ages should get the injection. Because it is a disease that is quite severe. But it can be prevented. 3 injections per set gives lifelong protection.

5. Tetanus booster vaccine

You should give a stimulant injection. Because we had all been vaccinated against tetanus when we were schoolchildren. But this vaccine should be given 1 booster shot every 10 years to maintain immunity.

6. Rubella vaccine

Women who plan to have children You should go get tested to see if you have immunity to rubella. If you don’t, you should get vaccinated before becoming pregnant. Because if we have disease during pregnancy, it will be severe. May cause disability to the baby.

In fact, there are many vaccines available these days. According to ACIP standards, they recommend it. If anyone would like to get another vaccine, try consulting a doctor.”

Thank you Facebook Panda Lab Doctor

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