Top Artists Who Succumbed to Fatal Stomach Diseases: Ade Juwita and More – CNN Indonesia

2024-03-22 14:00:00

Gastric disease may be quite common in people from various walks of life. But did you know that this condition can actually be fatal and lead to death? Launch CNN Indonesiaalthough diseases such as GERD or ulcers are not direct causes of death, these conditions will trigger complications and worsen existing health problems.

This fatal stomach disease was also experienced by several Indonesian figures, who ultimately had to die after battling the disease. The causes vary, and are generally related to lifestyle.

Quoting from various sources, The following is a list of artists who died due to stomach disease.

1. Ade Juwita

Ade Juwita/Photo: via detikcom

Joni Libertifa Ateva, or familiarly known as Ade Juwita, died on November 6 2015 in Sorong, Papua. Launch CNN Indonesiathe artist known as “Lenong Rumpi” began feeling discomfort in his stomach since May 2015, until it was finally discovered that the condition was caused by stomach acid.

The family revealed that this happened because the deceased never drank water and preferred to drink cold soda when thirsty.


#Indonesian #Artists #Died #Gastric #Disease

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