Top Foods for Eye Health: Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

2024-04-14 08:52:29

Foods containing lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids

Entered 2024.04.13 08:55 Entered 2024.04.13 08:55 Modified 2024.04.13 08:24 Views 8,743

Carrots cut into bite-size piecesCarrots are definitely one of the foods that are good for eye health. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Among the five human senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, more than 75% of external information comes in through the eyes. In today’s digital age, protecting eye health has become more important.

However, as we age, our eyesight tends to deteriorate due to eye aging and geriatric eye diseases. Deteriorating vision also affects cognitive function, increases depression, and reduces quality of life. In fact, research has shown that if the visual acuity in both eyes is less than 0.5, the risk of cognitive impairment is about three times higher than normal.

In particular, many people beyond middle age complain of pain from macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, dry eyes, and clouding of the eye lens. This disease also occurs for various reasons, including aging, genetic factors, inflammation, smoking, and bad eating habits.

Quitting smoking, wearing sunglasses and safety glasses, and having regular eye exams help keep your eyes healthy. Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, and dry eye, and makes eye inflammation more difficult to treat and control.

You can also protect your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses with UV protection. Wearing safety glasses or goggles when mowing the lawn, working on a construction site, sawing, etc. can reduce the risk of an accident.

It is advisable to undergo regular eye examinations every 2 to 3 years until the age of 40, every 2 years from the ages of 40 to 60, and annually after the age of 60. So, can’t we protect our eyesight and prevent various eye diseases with food?

Experts say, “Foods rich in nutrients such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids are good for preventing various geriatric eye diseases.” “Foods cannot cure eye diseases such as macular degeneration, but they help prevent them by improving eye health.” “He says. We looked into foods that are good for eye health based on materials such as ≪Harvard Health Publishing≫ published by Harvard University Medical School in the United States.

carrot=Carrots contain beta-carotene, which the body uses to make vitamin A. Experts emphasize that “beta-carotene is especially important for eye health.” Ingredients such as beta-carotene, retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid are converted to vitamin A. These ingredients are called precursors of vitamin A. If vitamin A is missing or lacking in the body, corneal scarring, night blindness, dry eyes, and vision loss may occur.

Omega-3 rich fish such as sardines and salmon=Fish, especially salmon, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can promote retinal visual health and prevent dry eyes. Salmon, sardines, and herring contain the most omega-3 fatty acids, and flounder, flounder, and tuna also contain significant amounts.

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli=Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. This component is present in high concentrations in the retina of the eye. This antioxidant acts as a filter and protects the retina from damage from blue light.

Zinc-containing foods such as oysters, eggs, and whole grains=Oysters are rich in zinc, which can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Zinc can also be obtained through turkey, eggs, peanuts, and whole grains.

Fruits and vegetables such as oranges and peppers=Orange and red fruits and vegetables, such as red peppers, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and kiwi, contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps prevent cataracts.

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