Top Foods to Prevent Heart Attack: A Comprehensive Guide for a Healthy Heart

2023-07-12 14:25:04

05:13 PM, Wednesday, July 12, 2023

I wrote – Nada Najid:

A heart attack is a serious, life-threatening disease. The risk of developing it can be reduced by eating a healthy diet that includes a specific group of foods.

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In the following lines, “Consulto” reviews the most prominent foods that help prevent a heart attack, according to “WebMD”.

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Also read: Ways to prevent a heart attack

Foods to prevent a heart attack

1- Black beans

Black beans provide great protection against heart attack, as they contain nutrients that help promote cardiovascular health, such as folic acid, antioxidants, and magnesium.

Black beans contain a high percentage of dietary fiber, which prevents clogging and hardening of the arteries, thanks to its ability to reduce harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

2- fatty fish

Fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, are of great importance to the health of the heart and blood vessels, and the reason is due to its high content of omega-3 acids, which contribute to lowering harmful cholesterol in the blood, and thus preventing coronary heart disease.

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3- olive oil

One of the natural sources rich in omega-3 acids, it also contains many antioxidants, which reduce the risk of heart disease, especially heart attack.

5- Nuts

Nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, reduce the risk of heart attack, as they contain high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols.

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6- Fruits

Orange not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also contributes to reducing the incidence of heart attack, because it contains pectin that reduces harmful cholesterol, and potassium that controls blood pressure.

Cherry enhances heart health and makes it less susceptible to disease, because it contains anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds that have also been shown to contribute to maintaining the integrity of blood vessels.

Berries are one of the most rich fruits in antioxidants that the body needs, to promote heart health and maintain the integrity of blood vessels.

7- Sweet potatoes

When eating sweet potatoes on a regular basis, a person becomes immune to a heart attack, because they contain nutrients that promote cardiovascular health, such as dietary fiber, vitamin A, and lycopene.

8- Barley

The risk of heart attack decreases when you continue to eat barley, because its dietary fiber helps lower harmful cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.

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9- Oatmeal

When eating oatmeal, the body gets beta-glucan, a type of dietary fiber that contributes to controlling blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels in the body.

10- Flaxseed

If you’re looking for another source of omega-3s other than fatty fish, nuts, and olive oil, flaxseeds are your best bet.

11- Dark vegetables

Dark leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach, protect against heart attack, because they are rich in nitrates, which dilate blood vessels, so that oxygen-laden blood flows smoothly to and from the heart.

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