Enas Makki explains the reason for her divorce after only 6 months of marriage

2023-07-14 00:42:46

Egyptian actress Enas Makki revealed the reason for her divorce years ago, after only 6 months of marriage.

Enas Makki said: “When I got married, I was 29 years old, my life was clear and controlled, and I was a star, and I could not imagine that she would fail.

She indicated that she was hot-tempered and nervous, adding: “Knowing that he is the son of people and respected, and he asked Alia after 15 years, reassuring Alia, and there is affection between us.”

And she confirmed that she closed the issue of marriage permanently, saying: “The issue of marriage has been closed. I am sad that a large percentage of my friends whom I know, after many years, will be divorced.”

It is noteworthy that Enas Makki’s fame came with her participation in the famous Egyptian series, “I will not live in my father’s robes.”

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