Top Mistakes to Avoid When Spring Cleaning Your Pellet Stove for Winter: Expert Tips and Advice

2023-06-04 07:01:25

Spring is slowly ending and will soon give way to summer. You have forgotten the cold, the frost and the unavoidable race for wood pellets last winter. Your pellet stove has given off its last breath of heat and has gone into rest mode until the next cold weather, when it burns up again. THE spring cleaning also goes through the pellet stove and it is important not to forget anything, if you want to start the winter under better auspices! Here are the mistakes you should NEVER make to prevent your pellet stove from giving up the ghost at the worst time: when it’s cold and it becomes essential.

Not planning ahead: a bad idea

Last year we saw the frantic race that some users had to find wood pellets. Once the treasures had been unearthed, you almost had to take out consumer credit to pay for your ton of pellets, the prices had soared. This year, plan ahead and order your pellets now. You have everything to gain, since they are cheaper than in winter and delivery times are shorter. If you are wondering how to store them until next winter, we explain everything in this article.

Using an ash vacuum cleaner to clean pellet stoves. Illustrative photo not contractual. Credit: Shutterstock

Not emptying the tank: a bad idea

It’s a silly mistake, but ultimately very easy to make! Once the last flare-up is over and the sun reappears, you forget to empty the pellet tank. Too bad, it’s an error that could be fatal on restart. The pellets are made of wood and can therefore absorb moisture and swell. The result: a clogged stove that won’t restart when needed.

Not cleaning it: a bad idea

Never put off until tomorrow, what you can do the same day, does that speak to you? So apply this saying to your pellet stove and don’t tell yourself that cleaning can wait, on the contrary. As soon as you are sure you won’t be using it for several months, clean it thoroughly : tank, drawer, glass and duct. It will be ready to heat your home from the first cold days.

Forgetting sweeping: a bad idea

The fumes are evacuated by a chimney flue: we don’t tell you anything. However, this duct must be maintained, at least once a year, by a professional who will issue you a chimney sweeping certificate. That shouldn’t stop you from carry out additional sweeping yourself, so that the last soot does not clog the duct. You can also carry out your annual chimney sweeping during this period, the chimney sweeps are more available and sometimes the prices are more attractive.

The invention of granules (pellets) to sweep wood stoves.
The invention of granules (pellets) to sweep wood stoves. Photo credit: Amazon / Illustrative photo not contractual. Credit: Shutterstock

Postponing the annual visit: another bad idea

As with other mistakes not to make, you tell yourself that the interview will wait until the fall, and this is a mistake that many of us make. Pellet stove professionals work all year round, and are much less stressed in the spring than in the winter. Carrying out the annual maintenance of your stove does not have to take place in the fall, quite the contrary. By carrying out this annual maintenance from the last outbreak, this will prevent you from making the mistakes listed above. Maintenance prices can also vary to your advantage in the spring.

#mistakes #maintaining #pellet #stove #spring

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