Top Tips for Packing Healthy and Fun School Lunches: Alloprof’s Ultimate Guide

2023-08-13 00:30:14

Back to school is approaching and so is the routine that accompanies it. Here are some tips, compiled by Alloprof, that can help you get through the tedious process of preparing your children’s lunch daily.

1. Lunch de type Bento

Bentos are the Japanese version of our lunch boxes and offer a meal where the food is compartmentalized, and can be eaten with the fingers, while allowing the main interested party to remain distracted by their friends.

For example, it is possible to include cubes of cheese, vegetable sticks, cut fruit, hard-boiled eggs or even small rolled sandwiches.

2. Reuse leftovers

You can easily add a few ingredients to your leftovers from the night before to save time on preparing lunch boxes.

Also consider preparing larger portions and freezing them in individual portions. They will be ready to use for busy days.

3. Add a surprise

Eating the same thing over and over can quickly become discouraging for your child. By adding a surprise to his lunch box, you could motivate him to eat.

For example, you can cut his food with cookie cutters, create figures with vegetables, add a dessert or a food he particularly likes, etc. Creativity is limitless!

4. Add color

Colorful foods are known for their nutritional value, but also for their appeal to children.

5. Slip a little word of encouragement

A kind word, phrases of support, encouragement for school; everything is good to take to re-motivate your child and help him end his day with a smile.

#school #tips #childrens #lunch #boxes

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