Total crack! Government Twitter account apologizes for homophobic tweet… about Luigi

2023-04-22 14:22:41

News culture Total crack! Government Twitter account apologizes for homophobic tweet… regarding Luigi

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The official Twitter account of the Colombian Interior Ministry had to apologize following posting a homophobic tweet… targeting Luigi.

The tweet too many

Earlier in the week, the official Colombian Interior Ministry Twitter account reacted to one of its own tweets deemed homophobic, which targeted Luigi, Mario’s brother and Nintendo mascot. The tweet in question, since deleted, read “I hope Luigi is gayreferring to the Super Mario Bros. animated movie released earlier this month.

Beyond the relevance of such a tweet on the account of a government institution, which is probably an error made by the Community Manager of said account, it is the term used that poses a problem. “I hope Luigi is fagot” is the exact quote, “marica” ​​being a pejorative term used to describe queer men.

The Twitter community quickly took hold of this first tweet by relaying screenshots on social networks. Shortly following this controversy, the account of the Ministry of the Interior took it over, insisting on supporting the LGBT community. A message accompanied by the hashtag “SauveUnCM”, proof that it was an error made by the account manager.

We know those weren’t the words, but we know that homophobia kills. This is why we support all initiatives that aim to make the LGBTQI+ community heard and we work for their rights to be recognized.

#Total #crack #Government #Twitter #account #apologizes #homophobic #tweet.. #Luigi

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