Tragedy of Nael’s Death: Public Outrage and Support for Family of Young Man Killed by Police in Nanterre

2023-06-28 08:19:11

The tragedy of the death of the young Nael17 ans, killed at point-blank range by a policeman in Nanterre while he was trying to escape a traffic control, turned the whole of France upside down.

If the “fachosphere” justified the death of the young man, killed coldly when he represented no danger of death for the police who controlled him, many public figures wanted to be indignant and to support the family of the young deceased.

France team players Jules Kounde, Mike Maignan Then Kylian Mbappe were the first to speak out on this sad affair:

Koundé’s words: “A 17-year-old young man shot dead at point-blank range by a police officer for refusing to comply during a check. Such is the reality of the situation and it is dramatic. As if this new police blunder were not enough the chains of news is their favorite thing to do. Sets disconnected from reality, “journalists” who ask “questions” with the sole aim of distorting the truth, criminalizing the victim and finding mitigating circumstances where there is no There is none. A method as old as the world to hide the real problem. How about turning off the TV for a bit to find out?”

Maignan’s words: “A bullet in the head… It’s always for the same people that being in the wrong leads to death. For Naël, for his mother”.

#Blues #including #Mbappé #react #death #17yearold #killed #police

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