Tragic Death by Poisoned Chocolate: The Mysterious Case of Fernanda Valos Pinto

2023-10-04 01:30:41

Brasilia: A young woman who ate chocolate given by a handmaiden has a tragic end. The incident took place in Maceo, Brazil. 27-year-old Fernanda Valos Pinto died under mysterious circumstances.

On August 3, tragedy struck Fernanda while walking in the city of Maceo. A woman came to Fernanda saying that she could predict the future by looking at her hands. Being an old woman, Fernanda felt no need to worry and expressed her interest in Kainotam.

The clairvoyant old woman predicted that Fernanda would be very young. He said that he would die in a few days. The old woman gave chocolates to Fernanda who was ready to go back after hearing the prophecy. Cousin Cristina was also with Fernanda when the incident took place.

Neither of them had any doubts about the old woman’s behavior. The chocolate was wrapped in an envelope. So Fernanda ate the chocolate they gave her. However, Fernanda soon felt uneasy. Fernanda vomited and collapsed.

The vision was blurred. Heart palpitations. Bleeding from the nose. Fernanda died in the hospital the next day. At first it was thought that it might be the cause of death because he had problems with ulcers. However, relatives and others raised doubts when they came to know that the maid gave chocolates.

After the post-mortem report found that pesticide had entered inside, the police started searching for the handmaiden. It is reported that they have not been arrested yet. It has also not been officially confirmed whether the chocolate contained pesticides.

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