Travel Age Requirements to Gulf Countries: Everything You Need to Know

2024-03-24 17:28:02

Many residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are searching for what is the age allowed to travel to the Gulf countries. The General Directorate of Passports has spoken about what is allowed, and we will clarify through this article what age is allowed to travel to the Gulf countries.

What is the age allowed to travel to the Gulf countries?

The General Directorate of Passports clarified that the legal age for traveling without a permit to the Gulf countries starts from the age of 21 years or more depending on the date of birth, and issuing a travel permit for family members is available through the Absher platform. This platform aims to enable individuals to issue or cancel travel permits for an individual electronically.

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Conditions for travel under the age of 18 in Saudi Arabia

It includes several conditions for travel under the age of 18 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and we will explain some of these conditions below:

  • The family must have a national ID or passport.
  • The validity period of the passport is considered the expiry period.
  • If the permit is a source of passport.
  • The service includes family members under the age of 21 who are not married.
  • Companions cannot travel without the primary passport holder.
  • Cancel any previous permit if you wish to issue a new permit.

How to obtain a travel permit for children under 21 years old from the Absher platform

We will explain how to obtain a travel permit for children under 21 years old through the Absher platform, as follows:

  • Log in to the Absher platform from here.
  • Choose electronic services, then choose travel permits.
  • Annotation of the issuance of travel permits using a passport or national ID.
  • Mark the name of the person authorized, then specify the type and duration of the permit.
  • A message appears to confirm travel authorizations.
  • The travel permit will appear, and it does not require printing the permit.

How to obtain a travel permit for children under the age of 21 through the Passport Department

We will explain how to obtain a travel permit as follows:

  • Bring the original national ID and a copy of it.
  • Bring the passport or national ID of the authorized person.
  • Fill out the permit application form.

In conclusion, we have clarified the age allowed for travel to the Gulf countries, as well as the conditions for travel under the age of 18 in Saudi Arabia. We also explained the method of obtaining a travel permit for children under 21 years old from the Absher platform and through the Passport Department.

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