treatment for lung disease could cure spinal cord injuries


  • Most people with spinal cord injuries experience chronic pain.
  • Survival rates for patients with spinal cord injuries are lower in low- and middle-income countries.

Each year around the world, between 250,000 and 500,000 people suffer from spinal cord injuries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This term includes all damage to this organ that results either from a trauma such as a road accident, or from a disease such as cancer.

Depending on the severity and location of the lesion on the spinal cord, the symptoms are different: a decrease or even a loss of sensory function, motor skills (which can extend to the whole body), regulating systems of the intestines, bladder, respiration, heart rate and blood pressure. These are serious consequences, as people with this lesion are two to five times more likely to die prematurely than others, but that could soon change.

The drug “AZD1236” could repair spinal cord injuries

Researchers have just discovered that a drug usually prescribed to treat lung diseases, “AZD1236”, could also repair spinal cord injuries. According to clinical trialsscientists observed improved sensory function and motor skills in mice tested after just three days.

“This drug has the potential to become a first-class treatment for certain symptoms of spinal cord injury and could revolutionize the prospects for recovery for patients with this condition,” estimated Zubair Ahmed, one of the authors.

“AZD1236” reduces scarring and improves healing

During their experiments, the researchers also proved that “AZD1236” could stop the accumulation of excess fluid around the spinal cord, called “edema”. On the other hand, taking this drug would also reduce the scarring of patients and block two enzymes, “MMP-9” and “MMP-12”, which fuel inflammation and impede healing by causing nerve cell death. .

“Currently there is no cure for patients with spinal cord injury, those available only relieve the symptoms but do not address the underlying molecular mechanisms”, developed Zubair Ahmed. Thus, this drug is a hope for all people confronted with these lesions.

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