Troyes: Rami, his joke on Messi

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Despite Troyes’ difficulties this season in Ligue 1, central defender Adil Rami (36 years old, 12 games and 3 goals in L1 this season) is up to the task in his individual performances. Facing the press this Friday, the former Marseillais showed his joy at being back in France with a joke about Parisian striker Lionel Messi.

“It’s nice to come back to L1. As I said, it’s a big mark. People see my professional side that some wanted to hide but I’m having fun, I’m scoring goals. I’m even in the race with Messi , it’s not nothing”, launched, with a big smile, the 2018 world champion.

For the moment, Rami is even ahead of the Argentinian (2 goals) in the L1 scorer rankings.

Read 6.597 times – by Damien Da Silva on 02/25/2022 at 8:25 p.m.

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