Trump’s Former National Security Adviser Admits He Helped Plan Coups Abroad | International

Former National Security Advisor Donald Trump, John Bolton, alluded to an attempted coup in Venezuela in 2019 against the president Nicholas Maduro.

John Bolton, former National Security Adviser (2018-2019) of Donald Trump, stated in an interview with the CNN television network that “helped” plan coups in other countries and dismissed the idea that the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was tantamount to a coup.

It was after a comment from his interviewer, Jake Tapper, who felt that “you don’t have to be brilliant to try to pull off a hit,” that Bolton dropped the bombshell.

“I do not agree. As someone who helped plan coups, not here, but in other countries, it takes a lot of work, and it’s not what he (Trump) did, going from one idea to another until he finally goaded those responsible for the riots in the Capitol,” he said. “There’s no doubt”.

Despite not giving specific examples, he alluded to the attempted US military intervention in Venezuela in 2019 against the president, Nicolás Maduro, although he assured that the United States “didn’t have much to do with it.”

“I wrote about Venezuela in my book, but (the coup attempt) was not successful. I saw what it takes for the opposition to try to bring down an illegitimately elected government,” he explained.

On the sidelines, Bolton stressed that Trump “did not overthrow the Constitution to buy time,” despite the fact that he would have tried to get his vice president, Mike Pence, to ignore it to act on his unfounded allegations of electoral fraud.

He also added that “it is a mistake” to say that the assault on the Capitol “was a carefully planned coup.” “It’s not Trump’s way of doing things. He goes from one idea to another, one plan fails and another arises”he indicated.

“He’s not listening to anyone else, but it’s important to understand that nothing Trump did after the (November 2020) election in relation to the lie about voter fraud, nothing is defensible,” said Bolton, who has held numerous positions in the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush and Trump himself, in addition to being permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations between 2005 and 2006.

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