Tumults in Melbourne: fans of Novak Djokovic cheer for the court decision – and ensure police action

The black Audi had driven into the parking lot of the lawyer’s office a quarter of an hour earlier, reported the Australian television station “9News”. When trying to leave the site, fans surrounded the car and blocked his way. Apparently, they believed Djokovic was sitting in the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the crowd chanted his name and said, “Free Nole!” Some supporters hit the window panes, a fan climbed onto the vehicle and jumped around on the roof of the car.

The police used pepper spray to try to disperse the crowd. The Sydney chief of the Washington Post, Michael Miller, reported on Twitter on occasional attacks on the police officers.

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According to information from “9News”, Djokovic was not sitting in the Audi himself, but only part of his team.

Judge Anthony Kelly ruled late Monday afternoon, Australian time, that the border authorities’ decision to cancel the Serb’s visa upon entry was “inappropriate”. As a result, media representatives and police officers gathered in front of the attorney’s office.

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Clashes between Djokovic fans and police in Melbourne


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