two bunches of grapes a day work wonders

Have you ever heard that drinking wine is linked to a longer lifespan? Some research shows this to be true, including that one to two glasses of wine a day (especially red wine) can help protect the heart, liver, and brain. Is consuming grapes for longevity effective or is it another characteristic of wine that makes it beneficial to health?
A study suggests that grapes, which are rich in antioxidants, can help prevent oxidative stress, which is the root of many diseases. Eating grapes can also improve your health by protecting your liver against fat accumulation and promoting detoxification processes.

Study results: 2 cups of grapes per day

A 2022 animal study published in the journal Foods investigated whether eating grapes could counteract the negative effects of an unhealthy, high-fat diet (also known as the “Western diet”). The study was conducted on female mice, not humans, so we’re not sure if the results apply to adults, but the findings are interesting. The mice participating in the study were divided into different groups: those that received a standard diet with or without the addition of grape powder and those that received a high-fat diet (HFD) with or without grape powder. After following the different diets for 13 weeks, the mice were euthanized and their livers analyzed to determine how the diets and grape powder affected gene expressions and liver biomarkers.

It turned out that mice following the standard diet with grape powder experienced significant and positive changes in:

– gene expression
– the activity of mitochondria
– protein translation
– drug metabolism
– glutathione status
– detoxification
– pathways associated with oxidative stress.

Grape powder added to the mice’s diet appeared to positively affect genes associated with reducing oxidative stress and enhancing detoxification, two factors that may have disease-fighting effects. Researchers believe these effects may reduce the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The greatest discrepancy was found between the group fed a high-fat diet and grape powder and the group fed a high-fat diet without grape powder.
Mice given grape powder saw improvements in lipid (fat) content and cholesterol synthesis, even when fed a high-fat diet. The grape-fed mice also had a longer survival time than those that weren’t given grape powder.

What it means

The study described above suggests that a diet including grapes or grape powder may help combat markers of oxidative stress and fatty liver disease induced by an unhealthy, high-fat diet. This can potentially lead to increased longevity. To get roughly the same benefits as the mice in this study, the researchers suggest consuming about two cups of grapes per day.

What antioxidants does grapes provide?

Grapes are an excellent source of antioxidants, including resveratrol, a type of flavonoid. It also contains catechins, quercetin, phenolic acids, stilbenes, and anthocyanins, which are the same types of health-promoting compounds found in foods like cherries, berries, cranberries, tropical fruits and other dark colored foods, such as cocoa and black beans.

Why are grapes good for the elderly?

Thanks to their supply of phytonutrients, studies suggest that grapes have the ability to help protect against diseases more common in the elderly, such as those related to oxidative stress, free radical damage and inflammation. . These are diseases such as certain types of cancer, liver disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

Are there any healthier fruits than grapes? Which fruit contains the most resveratrol?

Grapes, wine and grape juice are some of the best sources of resveratrol, but they are not the only ones. Resveratrol is also found in berries and in many brightly colored fruits, vegetables and plants. Among the most beneficial fruits for health are those that are known to defend against the formation of diseases:

the grape
and kiwi
the strawberries
the blueberries
and others

How to add grapes to your diet (plus longevity tips)

Which grape is the most beneficial for health? All types of grapes are beneficial, especially red grapes and black/purple grapes, but you need to be sure to eat the skin of the grape for the most positive effects. The skin is where most antioxidants and phytonutrients are found!

Here are some ways to add grapes to your meals:

Top a salad with sliced ​​grapes (or raisins).
Add to a homemade chicken salad.
Add it to a smoothie or shake.
Make homemade low-sugar jam or jelly.

What else can you do to increase your lifespan?

Eat lots of different foods that are high in antioxidants and cancer-fighting foods, such as trying to “eat the rainbow.”
Don’t forget other anti-inflammatory foods, such as fish, all types of vegetables, olive oil, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and herbs.
Exercise regularly, 30 to 60 minutes a day.
Get enough sleep (seven to nine hours a night) and watch your stress levels.
Avoid consuming too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes and taking drugs.
Limit exposure to carcinogens and toxins, such as heavy metals, asbestos, nickel, cadmium, radon, vinyl chloride, benzidine and benzene.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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