Ukraine: Berlin denounces “disinformation” and demands dating from the Cold War

“It is now essential that we do not have misinformation that continues to circulate,” said the head of German diplomacy. “On the contrary, the Russian government must be completely transparent about how troops are withdrawn.”

Russia recently announced that some troops deployed in the region bordering Ukraine would be withdrawn, but Western leaders have since assured that no such move had taken place.

“We do not see on the ground that there have been troop movements that mark a withdrawal,” lamented the German minister.

The German position echoes that defended earlier by the United States. “Our information clearly shows that ‘Russian forces on Ukraine’s borders,’ including ground forces and aircraft, are preparing to launch an attack on Ukraine in the coming days,” US Secretary of State Anthony said on Thursday. Blinken.

The head of American diplomacy urged the United Nations Russia to “abandon the path of war”, describing, in great detail but without providing evidence, the disaster scenario of an imminent attack against Ukraine.

Annalena Baerbock also lamented Friday that Russia is endangering Europe’s security with “Cold War-era demands”, speaking ahead of the annual Munich security conference which will be dominated by the Ukrainian crisis.

“With an unprecedented deployment of troops on the border with Ukraine and demands dating from the Cold War, Russia is challenging the fundamental principles of the European peace order,” Baerbock said in a statement.

Moscow must demonstrate “serious de-escalation efforts”, she urged.

International leaders and high-ranking diplomats are meeting in Munich, in southern Germany, from Friday to Sunday, for three days of discussions on defense and security issues.

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