Uncovering Corruption Scandals in the National Protection Unit (UNP) – Shocking Revelations and Investigations

2024-04-02 11:57:22

While corruption scandals and complaints grow about the lack of protection measures and assignment of security schemes to people who are threatened or at high levels of risk, a scandal is uncovered in the National Protection Unit (UNP) that can be described as implausible and it is already in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office. An official from that entity, named Francisco Torres Luna, would be using the security vehicles to take tourist tours.

For this reason, as reported by the Attorney General’s Office, “a disciplinary investigation was initiated against Francisco Torres Luna, an agent of the National Protection Unit (UNP) for alleged irregularities in the use of the vehicles he was in charge of in said entity, since, “Apparently, these were used to give tours to foreign citizens.”

The control entity showed that, presumably, the tours transported some Brazilian and Mexican tourists. The excursions offered were in Bogotá and some municipalities of Cundinamarca such as Guadalupe, La Calera, Choachí, Zipaquirá and Cajicá.

The Public Ministry was aware that the official charged amounts of approximately $200,000 to $250,000. Torres, who is part of the Risk Analysis Technical Corps group in the Risk Assessment Subdirectorate of the UNP, allegedly indicated that the fuel and the vehicle belonged to this entity.

What happens at the UNP seems like something out of a story and is really shameful. Vehicles of the entity have already been found transporting hundreds of millions of pesos in cash, in the middle of electoral processes, without any explanation.

The capture of the so-called “drug driver” Manuel Castañeda was also incredible, who on December 10, 2022 was arrested on the roads leading to Caloto, in the department of Cauca. At that moment, he promised to collaborate with Justice and what he said was very serious.

These transports of money and cocaine are part of the services that the National Protection Unit opaquely provides. The matter with the drug driver was so scandalous that even the police officers who participated in his capture were later arrested for keeping part of the shipment. Furthermore, Manuel Castañeda himself confessed that he had participated in the escape of Matamba, the dangerous criminal who managed to put a good part of the Military Forces in the south of the country at his service, was arrested, escaped from prison, and then appeared dead.

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