Uncovering the Silent Killer: Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Diagnoses, and Treatment Options

2023-08-10 10:30:08

Thursday, 08-10-2023 01:28 PM

Changes in urine can be an indication of an underlying condition, known as an enlarged prostate, and at other times it can be a symptom of cancer.
Specifically, prostate cancer causes some unexpected symptoms.
Dripping urine after urinating is one of the signs of prostate cancer, according to the British newspaper “Express”.
Additional symptoms include poor flow, difficulty emptying the bladder, and a sudden urge to urinate that may lead to leakage before reaching the bathroom.
So if you find yourself getting up in the middle of the night to urinate, it could be prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate gland.
Men with early prostate cancer often don’t show any symptoms because of the way the cancer grows, which is why many people call it the “silent killer”.
So you should consult a doctor if you suffer from unexplained back, hip or pelvic pain.
It is best to bring it to the attention of a specialist if you find any blood in the urine or semen or unintentional weight loss.
Tests for prostate cancer include a urine sample, a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, and a digital rectal exam.

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