Understanding and Managing Coronary Artery Disease: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

2023-10-14 02:29:00

The risk of abnormal coronary artery disease formed a staircase This can be checked by gender and age. Men over 40 years of age and women over 50 years of age or women who have gone through menopause will increase their risk of accumulating cholesterol levels. If the disease is detected, the risk of coronary heart disease increases, such as diabetes, or previous vascular disease such as a stroke. Blood vessels in the neck abdominal blood vessels Peripheral arteries of the legs It will make it possible to clearly identify high and low risks of coronary artery disease.

7 warning signs of the risk of “heart disease”, a danger close to being acute and life-threatening.

4 signs and 5 behaviors at risk for “coronary artery disease”. You should see a doctor.

The higher the level of bad fat (Low Density Lipid – LPL). This results in an increased risk of coronary artery disease. By the criteria of fat levels It can be divided as follows:

Less than 100 mg /dl is good. 100 – 130 mg /dl is fair. 130 – 160 mg /dl is high. Moderate 160 – 190 mg /dl is high. More than 190 mg. /dl. is called very high.

coronary artery disease symptoms

Most show no symptoms. But in patients with coronary artery disease or severe blockage, chest pain is so severe that it is unbearable. It’s like there’s something heavy pressing against the middle of his chest. or pain from the chest up to the chin Or pain down to the left arm, gasping for breath, tiredness, sweating, palpitations, loss of consciousness, or cardiac arrest (Heart Attack).

Technology for inspection and treatment

Using modern technology called the CT Calcium Score machine to help detect fatty deposits in the arteries. and look at the development of disease in the coronary arteries long enough to cause tartar to form or calcium deposits This technology can measure the amount of calcification in the coronary arteries. which is used as a main factor in conjunction with cardiologists To be able to plan treatment together with the patient. Including drug treatment or even adjusting lifestyle habits Ready to follow up with patients closely.

Correct technique for “jumping rope” to avoid heart disease and help the blood circulation system.

Prevent and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Bringing health examination results Especially the test results of lipid levels and other risk factors Come join in assessing the risk of coronary heart disease. The doctor may consider getting a CT Calcium Score for plaque attached to the coronary arteries to be examined as important information that will help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease in the future.

Thank you for information from: Paolo Hospital and Bangkok Hospital

Picture from: shutterstock

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