Understanding and Treating Sun Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

2023-05-28 08:46:17

Sun poisoning is a skin reaction that occurs after exposure to the sun. It is important to understand what sun poisoning is in order to know how to prevent and treat it.

Sun poisoning resembles sunburn, which makes it difficult to identify correctly in some cases. Sometimes called photodermatitis, sun poisoning is a relatively unknown and infrequent condition. However, it can lead to serious, long-term complications if not treated properly.
This article explores the causes and symptoms of sun poisoning, as well as ways to treat and prevent it.


There are a number of symptoms associated with sun poisoning. The most common and obvious symptom is a skin reaction.

It can look like an allergic reaction and is characterized by the following symptoms:

Sun poisoning is characterized by symptoms similar to those of an allergic reaction.
Itching, bumps or blisters: The skin may itch and bumps or blisters may appear on the affected area.
Pain and swelling: The affected skin area may be painful and look like eczema lesions. The skin may also be red or swollen.
Darkening of the skin: In some cases, the affected skin may become darker. This is called hyperpigmentation.

Another group of symptoms includes:

These symptoms can be mistaken for the flu or other similar viral illnesses.

Sun poisoning may be linked to an increased risk of skin cancer.

Acute or chronic

There are acute and chronic variants of sun poisoning. We speak of acute sun poisoning when the symptoms are relatively mild and temporary and disappear with treatment. Chronic sun poisoning is characterized by severe symptoms that persist. It can be difficult to prevent and treat some cases of chronic sun poisoning, hence the need for medical advice.

Sun poisoning and sunburn

Sun poisoning and sunburn are very similar conditions. It is possible to confuse sun poisoning, which is more serious and more lasting, with sunburn.


Sunburn can occur when the skin has been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Symptoms of sunburn include redness of the skin, which may feel hot to the touch. The skin may also itch and start peeling after a while. Sunburns usually fade after a while. In extreme cases, sunburn can be accompanied by fever and nausea. Sunburn can affect anyone exposed to sunlight for too long.

Sun poisoning

The main difference between sun poisoning and sunburn is that the former is a type of allergic reaction. It occurs when the skin has been exposed to strong UV light for too long.
While the symptoms of sunburn are usually present in cases of sun poisoning, they are usually more severe and last longer.

Other symptoms may also be present, including:


Sun poisoning does not affect everyone. Some people are more likely to develop sun poisoning than others. It is recommended to consult a medical professional if the symptoms of sunburn are severe or long-lasting. It may actually be sun poisoning, which requires different treatment.


There are many possible causes of sun poisoning, although in some cases there is no known cause. In some cases, a pre-existing condition may be the cause of the poisoning. For example, eczema and lupus can make the skin more sensitive to light, increasing the risk of sun poisoning. Likewise, certain medications can increase the skin’s sensitivity to light, as can contact with certain chemicals. Finally, a genetic predisposition or a dietary deficiency can increase the risk of sun poisoning. Groups at high risk for sun poisoning include people with fair skin, light hair, and blue or green eyes. This risk is independent of race or ethnicity.

People who spend long periods of time in direct sunlight are also at increased risk. In cases where the job requires working outdoors, this may be considered an occupational hazard. Employers must recognize these risks in order to prevent their employees from developing sun poisoning in the workplace.


Treatment for sun poisoning involves focusing on the specific symptoms. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a doctor to treat sun poisoning.


Applying a clean, damp bandage to rash blisters or open sores can help them heal. It also reduces the risk of infection.

Light therapy

In some cases, light therapy may be necessary. Sometimes called phototherapy, it involves exposing the skin to certain wavelengths of light. This controlled light can help slow the growth of damaged skin cells. Light therapy can help relieve pain and manage symptoms.

Medical treatment

In some cases, drug treatment may be necessary. This case is infrequent and is generally only recommended for people who are very sensitive to light. Drug treatments for sun poisoning may be recommended if light therapy is not an option. There are short-term and long-term drug treatments.

Diet changes

Sun poisoning can also be tackled with dietary changes. The benefits of nutritional therapy for sun poisoning have not been well studied. However, it is known that a diet containing all essential vitamins and minerals can help reduce the risk of photosensitivity.

Prevention of sun poisoning

Regular use of sunscreen lotion can help prevent sunburn and sun poisoning.

The means of preventing sun poisoning are similar to those for preventing sunburn:

Reduce exposure: It is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to intense sunlight. This may include covering exposed skin with clothing, wearing a hat, or staying in the shade whenever possible.

Use suntan lotion: It is recommended to apply sunscreen to exposed skin. A higher factor sunscreen will provide better skin protection and will be more effective in reducing the risk of sun poisoning.

Beware of medication side effects: Certain types of medications can increase sensitivity to sunlight. It is important to know if a drug increases the risk of sun poisoning.

Avoid Tanning Beds: The use of tanning beds is not recommended and most medical experts advise avoiding them.

When to consult a doctor

In most cases of sun poisoning, the condition resolves with time and self-care. However, in some cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor. If the affected skin area is extensive or covers several parts of the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Even if sun poisoning is mild, a doctor’s advice can help treat it properly. This avoids complications and alleviates symptoms more quickly.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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