Understanding and Treating Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A Comprehensive Guide

2023-12-29 18:37:23

Stopping consuming vitamin B12 is not recommended. This vitamin is only found in products of animal origin such as meat, fish, eggs, milk and their derivatives. It is absorbed in the final part of the intestine and a deficiency begins to be seen in people with restrictive diets.

Patients with diseases such as chronic atrophic gastritis or the partial or total absence of the stomach after an operation may also have a deficit. Patients with Crohn’s disease and other intestinal problems may also suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is a low red blood cell count due to a deficiency of the vitamin, as the body needs it to produce red blood cells. To get it you have to consume beef and chicken, seafood, eggs, milk or yogurt.

There are treatments that must be prescribed by a doctor or a specialist gastroenterologist, in which several injections are applied in a row at the beginning in order to recover. Afterwards, one intramuscular injection is given per month.

How to combat low levels of vitamin B12

This deficiency does not produce symptoms, which is why it is important to have annual clinical check-ups with your family doctor to check that there is no anemia in the body.

If the patient is already in a situation of high deficiency, symptoms of anemia, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, lack of energy or dizziness when standing or exerting effort, loss of appetite, pale skin, irritability or concentration problems can be observed.

Emotional and behavioral alterations such as forgetfulness, irritability or changes in character may also occur. The treatment that a person who has vitamin B12 deficiency or anemia in a blood test can receive basically consists of administering this vitamin.

In the case of people who have a restrictive diet, they should consume at least dairy and eggs, and if possible some meat.

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