Understanding Early Gray Hair: Causes, Health Implications, and Treatment Options

2024-03-24 04:15:56


The endocrinologist listed possible diseases

Age-related gray hair does not pose any threat to humans, this is how our biology works. But early gray hair makes you think, “Is everything okay?” And if in most cases this is just a harmless feature, in others it is a sign of a disease. Endocrinologist Yulia Sidorkina told about this for “Izvestia”.

“Gray hair is a harbinger of natural age-related changes. As you age, your body produces less and less melanin, causing your hair to lose its color. The first gray hair can be seen by the age of thirty,” she explains.

But it happens that early gray hair signals some kind of illness. These include hormonal problems (dysfunction of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland), diseases of the digestive system or autoimmune diseases. Less dangerous, but also unpleasant reasons may lie in a deficiency of vitamins and microelements: zinc, copper, iron, calcium and vitamins B and D.

Premature gray hair can be caused by pregnancy and lactation, stress and chronic pain syndrome (this is caused by the frequent release of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood, which leads to vasospasm, respectively, to a deterioration in blood circulation and nutrition of the hair follicles), taking certain medications and even the environment.

“Along with all the above reasons, melanin production can be affected by bad habits, lack of protein in the body due to strict diets and veganism,” the endocrinologist concluded.

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