Understanding Heart Attacks: Symptoms, Causes, and Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment

2023-09-07 07:38:51

Say the phrase heart attack, and many people will think of a man with his hand on his chest in pain. But in reality, the symptoms are often subtle, and the underlying causes of a heart attack can vary.

Definition of heart attack

“A heart attack is defined as damage to the heart muscle caused by restricted blood flow,” says Dr. Stephen Waveot, a cardiologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. But there are several reasons that could lead to this. Regardless of the cause, this damage can lead to permanent decline in heart function or even death. Therefore; It is very important for people to recognize the different signs; So they know when to seek care.”

Symptoms and causes

Chest discomfort remains the most common symptom of a heart attack, but the pain can feel more like a dull squeezing, muscle tightening or heartburn, rather than the pattern of pain people might expect. Sometimes other symptoms predominate, such as pain in the jaw, shoulders, or arms, feeling sick with or without vomiting, sweating, or shortness of breath.

People who have had a heart attack often say later, “I felt terrible.” In general, there are two different mechanisms by which most heart attacks occur. Both are associated with insufficient blood flow to an area of ​​the heart, often associated with a buildup of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries.

Two types of heart attacks

• A type 1 heart attack occurs when plaque (the buildup on artery walls) ruptures and releases chemicals that lead to the formation of a blood clot. The clot blocks an artery, blocking blood flow to part of the heart.

• In contrast, a heart attack of the second type does not involve rupture of the plaque, but rather the attack occurs when there is a mismatch between the amount of blood needed by a part of the heart muscle and the blood supply in the coronary artery that feeds this area of ​​the heart.

This type of heart attack can create a condition that puts extra stress on the heart, such as a flu infection, pneumonia, or an irregular heartbeat. This leads to a rapid heart rate or a significant increase in blood pressure).

What is the importance of the type of heart attack?

Although type 2 heart attacks may seem less ominous, their prognosis is actually worse. Research has found that people with this type of heart attack are more likely to die within the next few years than those with type 1 attacks.

This is not necessarily because type 2 attacks cause more heart damage, but rather because they usually occur in older patients and those with other medical problems in addition to blocked arteries. These properties increase the risk of a second heart attack, heart attack, and stroke.

By comparison, people with a type 1 heart attack may be more likely to undergo conventional approved treatments (such as immediate cardiac catheterization to open blockages with angioplasty, or stent placement) and to start taking medications to prevent another heart attack (such as blood clot inhibitors and a dose of high levels of statins). Patients in this category are also less likely to develop other diseases compared to people with type 2 seizures.

Diagnosis and treatment of the condition

The main idea here is that you should be aware of the signs of a heart attack. So you can immediately call the emergency number. Always be aware of possible heart symptoms. Seek immediate care if the condition is severe or ongoing, and contact your doctor if you are unsure. Your body is sending you a warning; So don’t ignore it,” says Dr. Waveot.

* Harvard Letter, “Men’s Health Watch,” Tribune Media Services.

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