Understanding Memory Problems and Aging: Tips for a Healthy Brain

2023-08-06 11:31:11

Enter 2023.08.06 20:30 Modify 2023.08.06 19:04 Hits 740 Enter 2023.08.06 20:30 Modify 2023.08.06 19:04 Hits 740 Memory problems usually get worse with age, but to the extent that they interfere with life. If not, there is no need to worry about dementia. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Even people with healthy brains have forgetfulness, and sometimes forgetting something is good for brain health. The phenomenon of forgetting something gets worse with age. This is because as you age, your brain also ages, and you have no choice but to absorb information slowly and less.

Memory problems usually get worse as you get older, but you don’t have to worry about dementia unless it interferes with your life. Rather, worrying about dementia becomes stressful and harmful to brain health. Harvard Medical School in the United States introduced 7 memory problems that normal people experience as follows. Everyone has these 7 memory problems, and they tend to get worse with age.

◆ When you turn around, you quickly forget your name.

It’s natural to quickly forget a name you just heard or instructions from the last meeting. It is highly likely that the brain has dropped out in the process of selecting and storing essential memories. Notes are important to reduce mistakes in this process.


◆ Find your smartphone while holding it in one hand

When you find your phone with your smartphone in your left hand or can’t find where you left your pen, it’s mostly because you’re not paying attention. It’s because it’s pushed out of the brain’s memory ranking, and this is also a natural phenomenon.

◆ It lingers in my mouth, but the words do not come to mind

There are not a few times when someone’s name lingers on the tip of the tongue and it burns. Mostly because similar names prevent them from remembering their real names. According to research, you will remember more than half of them within a few minutes. There are also studies that suggest that you remember better if you try again after thinking about something completely different.

◆ Misunderstanding the time or place

A certain environment or mood distorts and stores memories so that later the time, place, and person are mistaken. Still, many people insist that their memories are correct. This distorted memory can also lead to unintentional plagiarism. They do not remember what they have read or heard and misunderstand themselves.


◆ Misremembering by expectation or suggestion

It is believing that it happened, even though it did not actually happen because of one’s expectations or suggestions. Usually, memories are distorted gradually, to the point where you don’t doubt the truth later. Until now, brain studies have not known why this is so.

◆ Memories are biased and stored

Even very sharp memories cannot accurately store reality 100%, and memories of a specific period are stored with a personal bias due to previous memories, experiences, beliefs, knowledge, and the atmosphere at that time. Mood when recalling and other biases also affect the actual stored memory. Although it is a natural phenomenon of people, there is little research on how it is biased and why it is more so as we get older.

◆ I want to forget… can’t forget bad memories

Most people worry about not being able to remember, but there are not a few cases where it is painful because they cannot forget what they want to forget. It is also a matter of memory, not being able to forget terrible events, negative emotions, and unstoppable fear. It may have actually happened, but it also suffers from distorted memories. It suffocates patients with depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), etc.

#Forgot #illness.. #Common #Memory #Problems

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