Understanding Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness: When Does Pain Signal a Heart Problem?

2023-10-03 01:48:54

Feeling sore after exercising is common and, in most cases, it is simply a sign that your muscles are working and adapting to physical exertion. This type of muscle discomfort is considered normal and usually disappears within a few days. However, in certain circumstances, pain after exercise could be more than just a normal response to physical exertion and deserves greater attention, especially when heart problems are involved.

It is crucial to understand when this type of pain could be a warning of an underlying cardiovascular problem and what signs should be taken into account when seeking medical help.

Chest pain can be due to several reasons, including gas buildup in the body. | Photo: Getty Images

Post-exercise muscle soreness and its common nature

It is essential to understand the common nature of muscle soreness experienced after exercise before exploring any connection to heart problems. “This type of pain, known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), usually appears between 24 and 72 hours after exercise, especially if there has been intense effort or an activity that the muscles are not accustomed to,” he said. to know tuasaude.com.

When could pain be a warning?

It is true that muscle soreness after exercise is a common experience and, in most cases, is simply a sign that the muscles are adapting to physical exertion. However, there are circumstances in which this pain could be more than a normal response to exercise, especially in people with cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, or a family history of heart disease.

A study published in the journal “Circulation” has shed light on this question. According to this research, chest pain experienced during exercise could be a symptom of coronary artery disease in some cases. During intense exercise, lack of oxygen can trigger angina, a condition characterized by chest pain or discomfort.

After exercising, some body pain may occur. | Photo: Getty Images

Symptoms that should not be ignored

Chest pain:

Normal: muscle pain is usually localized in the exercised muscles.

Warning: Chest pain, especially if it is oppressive, radiates to the left arm or jaw.

Respiratory difficulty:

Normal: You may experience shortness of breath during intense exercise, but this should improve after rest.

Warning: Persistent shortness of breath, especially accompanied by chest pain.

Palpitations or dizziness:

Normal: After exercise, the heart may beat faster, but it should return to normal.

Warning: Persistent palpitations or dizziness may be signs of a heart problem.

Excessive sweating:

Normal: Sweating during exercise is common and beneficial.

Warning: Excessive sweating, especially if it is cold and clammy, could be a sign of emergency.

Nausea or vomiting:

Normal: Some people may feel nauseous after intense exercise, but it should go away soon.

Warning: Persistent nausea or vomiting may indicate a heart problem.

It is normal for a person to feel like vomiting after a hard workout. | Photo: GettyImages

The importance of medical evaluation

Health professionals are trained to perform specialized tests, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs) and stress tests, which help evaluate cardiovascular health and rule out possible heart problems. According to the portal mundodeportivo.com, “ignoring warning symptoms could lead to serious complications, therefore, early medical intervention is essential to ensure adequate treatment and prevent possible future complications.” There is no substitute for professional medical care when it comes to heart health.

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