Understanding the Dangers of Ticks: Lyme Disease, Typhus, and More – Insights from Dr. Bernard Lamy’s Conference

2023-10-10 01:13:00

It was given Monday afternoon at the C2 cultural center by Doctor Bernard Lamy in the presence of around sixty listeners.

What mushroom hunter or mountain biker in the woods has never caught ticks? And obviously, who says tick says Lyme disease, but not only that. Because ticks are among the most important vectors of disease on the planet. They can transmit viruses, bacteria and parasites. Just that !
Lyme disease is an infectious disease considered emerging in Europe and especially in the United States. Its expansion is linked to several factors such as climate change, unmaintained forests and the practice of hiking. It is caused by bacteria and transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. And if we must remember one thing from this conference, specifies Doctor Bernard Lamy, it is that “The symptoms of Lyme disease are polymorphic with an easily recognizable initial phase. The appearance of erythema migrans in the days following this tick bite requires antibiotic treatment. That way, it seems simple, it sums up the essential, in fact it’s much more complex. »

Another bacteria transmitted by ticks can be responsible for the dreaded typhus. Add to this a virus responsible for meningoencephalitis and the parasites responsible for diseases affecting canines or cattle! These little creatures are not very reassuring, they have several “strings to their bow”.
The conference given by Doctor Bernard Lamy continued with a lively exchange during which there was no shortage of questions.

#TORCY #conference #learn #tickborne #diseases

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