Understanding the Difference Between Influenza and ARVI: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

2023-11-16 23:02:11

Flu is accompanied by increased intoxication and dangerous complications

Virologist Elena Burtseva named the main difference between influenza and ARVI. It lies in the fact that the flu is accompanied by the development of symptoms of intoxication, reports Lenta.ru.

The influenza virus is one of the types of acute respiratory viral infection known as ARVI.

The pathogens of ARVI develop symptomatically in different ways, as a virologist points out. Symptoms of influenza are characterized by the presence of intoxication: the temperature rises rapidly within two to three hours, headache, aches in muscles and joints, and weakness occur. Later, as the temperature drops, symptoms of a respiratory infection appear.

Burtseva noted that the flu often leads to complications, especially in people with chronic somatic diseases. Often a negative consequence is pneumonia, which is difficult to treat in the later stages. Such “delayed” complications as heart attacks, strokes, meningoencephalitis and others are also known.

We previously wrote about which fish are dangerous for older people.

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