Understanding the Residual Financing Needs of the Finance Bill for PLF-2024: Key Figures and Analysis

2023-10-21 23:08:00

The residual financing needs of the finance bill for next year (PLF-2024) stand at 63.74 billion dirhams (billion dirhams), down 0.46% compared to the previous year, reports -he from the presentation note for this project.

These needs result from expenses of nearly 638.29 billion dirhams which are greater than the resources (574.55 billion dirhams), specifies this presentation note published on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In detail, the charges, which record an increase of 6.3% compared to 2023, are distributed over the State Budget (excluding amortization of the medium and long-term public debt) with 435.76 billion dirhams, the Accounts Treasury special funds – CST (138.1 billion dirhams), the amortization of medium and long-term public debt (62.39 billion dirhams) and the autonomously managed State Services – SEGMA (2.03 billion dirhams).

Concerning resources, which show growth of 7.11% compared to 2023, they are distributed over the State Budget (excluding proceeds from medium and long-term loans) with 311.32 billion dirhams, the CST (137.78 MMDH), proceeds from medium and long-term loans (123.41 billion dirhams) and SEGMA (2.03 billion dirhams).

Thus, the balance of the State Budget (excluding proceeds from borrowings and amortization of medium and long-term public debt) is -124.75 billion dirhams in 2024, compared to -114.82 billion dirhams in 2023.

#Residual #financing #MAD #billion



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