Understanding Tic Disorder & ADHD in Children: Expert Insights from Director Son Ji-woong of Haearim Oriental Medicine Clinic, Yongin Bundang Branch

2023-12-18 10:38:28

Director Son Ji-woong of Haearim Oriental Medicine Clinic, Yongin Bundang Branch

Tic disorder is a disease named because it resembles the hand of a clock moving tic-toc. It is a disease that causes meaningless body movements or sounds without rhythm, like bouncing. It mainly occurs between the ages of 7 and 11, and can appear as early as 3 years of age. While pedophilic disorders that appear at a young age tend to be unable to control themselves, children in the upper grades of elementary school have developed awareness of social interactions. Even if you feel the urge to foreshadow, you tend to control it in crowded places. However, because children with tic disorder ultimately have to relieve their frustration by performing the symptoms, they tend to do it in places where no one is around or in comfortable conditions.

Director Son Ji-woong of Haearim Oriental Medicine Clinic’s Yongin Bundang branch said, “Tic symptoms are prominently observed in situations where there is strong emotional stimulation, exposure to the media, situations where fatigue increases, and other diseases or physical discomfort. In addition, symptoms of tic disorder may occur due to tension, anxiety, anger, increased excitement in stressful or happy situations, exposure to TV, smartphones, or computers, evenings when fatigue becomes worse, colds, rhinitis, discomfort due to musculoskeletal tension, etc. “It has this aggravating characteristic,” he explains. However, the problem is that the number of people suffering from tic disorders or ADHD is increasing. According to the National Health Insurance Corporation, the number of patients receiving hospital treatment for tic disorders increased from approximately 79,000 in 2017 to approximately 94,000 in 2021, and the number of ADHD patients increased significantly by 92.9% from approximately 53,000 in 2017 to approximately 102,000 in 2021. .

Tic disorder symptoms are largely divided into muscular tics and vocal tics, and are further subdivided into simple tics and complex tics depending on the severity of the symptoms. Simple muscle tics (motor tics) are most commonly seen as eye blinking, eye opening, eye rolling, facial grimacing, nose and mouth twitching, head shaking, leaning forward or back, shoulder lifting, and straining the arms or fingers. , such as churning your stomach, straightening your back, or straining your legs.

The most common vocal tic is um-um-, and simple sounds such as keung-keung-, keung-keung-, and hick-hick- are also observed. Complex muscular tics include spinning in place, jumping, stumbling while walking, and hitting one’s own body, while vocal tics include swearing, saying obscene words, repeating the same words, and speaking one’s own language. In terms of duration, tics that last less than a year are diagnosed as transient tic disorder; if it lasts longer than a year, if you experience only muscle tics, you are diagnosed with chronic muscular tics; if you only experience vocal tics, you are diagnosed with chronic vocal tic disorder; and if you experience both vocal and muscular tics, you are diagnosed with Tourette syndrome. Diagnosed with

Tic disorder treatment methods for tic disorder and Tourette syndrome are not different, but Tourette syndrome can be considered a severe condition in terms of duration and symptoms, so it is necessary to visit a tic disorder hospital and actively deal with it. It is highly likely to lead to adult tic disorder, and adult tic disorder is more difficult to treat and has a lower chance of cure than pediatric tic disorder or child tic disorder. For this reason, the goal of treating adult tic disorder should be to treat accompanying neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorder, and to alleviate and maintain symptoms to a level that does not interfere with daily life.

Children with tic disorders are likely to have other pediatric psychiatric disorders. Representative examples include pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, and ADHD. Among them, ADHD is often related to tic disorder, and careful attention is needed in that 50% of children with tic disorder have ADHD and 50% of children with ADHD have tic disorder.

ADHD is a disease that stands for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a type that causes problems with distractible, impulsive, and aggressive behavior, frequent fights with friends, and disruptive behavior in class, as well as tasks that do not harm others but need to be done, such as homework or preparations. They may show signs of a quiet form of ADHD that causes difficulty in concentrating in things such as taking care of one’s belongings, following a schedule, or listening to conversations in class or with others.

Director Son Ji-woong of Haearim Oriental Medicine Clinic’s Yongin Bundang branch said, “ADHD is similar to tics and can continue into adulthood. It can lead to lower self-esteem due to continuous frustration, hostile and rebellious mentality due to criticism, inability to maintain one job for a long time, and immaturity in economic activities. Because it can be visible, if control is not followed initially, it is necessary to visit the relevant agency and take active action. Psychiatric diseases in children and children are caused by an imbalance in brain function and a complex effect of various causes, so Oriental medicine lowers the recurrence rate by helping to normalize the function of the unbalanced brain and restoring the broken balance. When ADHD is suspected because a child repeats problem behavior, simply scolding the child and suppressing the behavior does not solve the problem. “It is a disease caused by functional immaturity of the brain, so it is important to recognize that it is part of the symptom and not that the child is doing it on purpose, and to actively engage in treatment,” he said, emphasizing the importance of early treatment.<도움말: 해아림한의원 용인분당점 손지웅 원장>

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