Preventing and Treating Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tears in Sports and Work – Expert Advice

2024-02-02 14:50:09

[미디어파인 전문칼럼] It is said that the number of people visiting hospitals due to shoulder pain while playing sports such as golf or tennis is increasing. This is because if you repeatedly swing your arms widely while playing golf or tennis, irritation can accumulate in the shoulder rotator cuff, which can lead to tissue damage.

People who use their shoulders a lot not only for sports but also for work needs to be careful of shoulder rotator cuff tears.

The shoulder rotator cuff refers to the four muscles around the shoulder joint. They play a role in helping the shoulder joint move stably, but it is good to be careful because overuse of the shoulder rotator cuff can lead to tissue rupture. Additionally, if the tissue is weakened due to degenerative changes, even a small impact can cause the tissue to rupture.

If the shoulder rotator cuff is torn, shoulder pain occurs and turning or lifting the arm becomes uncomfortable. If the ruptured tissue continues to be left untreated, not only will the ruptured area expand and the symptoms will worsen, but it may also lead to shoulder arthritis in the future. Therefore, if abnormal symptoms persist in the shoulder, it is recommended to undergo an accurate examination and proceed with treatment.

Diagnosis is made through a detailed examination such as MRI, and the pattern of tissue rupture can be identified through the results.

Patients with mild shoulder pain and tissue rupture can expect improvement by prioritizing non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, injection therapy, and wearing braces. For patients who do not respond despite continuing non-surgical treatment or who have a wide rupture and continue to experience severe shoulder pain, surgical treatment to suture the lesion site should be considered.

During surgery for a shoulder rotator cuff rupture, the ruptured area is sutured and the protruding acromion is shaved off, resulting in acromioplasty. After the surgery, a systematic rehabilitation process of several months is required to restore shoulder joint function and prevent re-rupture. .(Jamsil Athletes’ Village Hospital Director Park Geun-min)

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