Understanding Vitamins, Hormones, and Nutritional Supplements: Effects and Deficiency Disorders

2023-12-04 02:42:28

Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D, which causes bone changes. (Shutterstock)

Editor’s note:Vitamins are “auxiliary enzymes” that can regulate human body functions in small amounts. If deficient, it can cause serious abnormalities in the body.

Hormones are molecules that are produced in specific organs and transported along the blood to specific target organs where they perform their functions. They are vital to the human body.

Vitamins are a kind of “auxiliary enzyme” that can help enzymes function. Only a small amount can regulate the body’s functions. The human body cannot produce vitamins on its own, so it must be obtained externally through food. Lack of vitamins will lead to deficiency disorders, which can lead to serious abnormalities in the body.

Vitamins can be divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble.

○Fat-soluble vitamins: A vitamin that is insoluble in water but soluble in lipids. It can form a complex with fat in food and be absorbed through the intestines.

○Water-soluble vitamins: A vitamin that is soluble in water but insoluble in lipids.

There are many types of vitamin deficiencies and the main symptoms (diseases) are as follows.

○Night blindness:As seen earlier (see page 63), vitamin A oxidizes to retinaldehyde. Retinal can play an important role in the cone cells of the eye, so a lack of vitamin A will cause night blindness.

○Beriberi:This is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin B1. Although there were many patients in Japan during the Edo and Meiji periods, they are almost invisible recently.

○Scurvy:Vitamin C can promote collagen production. Therefore, a lack of vitamin C will cause blood vessels to become fragile and prone to bleeding. This was a disease that terrified sailors in the Age of Discovery.

○Rickets: This is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D, which will lead to bone changes. Recently, there has been a trend to avoid ultraviolet rays, and vitamin D deficiency has become increasingly serious. It seems necessary to actively consume foods containing vitamin D.

Hormones are molecules produced in specific organs and transported along the bloodstream to specific target organs, where they exert their functions.

There are many types of hormones, such as thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland and is related to development, and adrenaline, which is produced by the adrenal medulla and is responsible for the contraction and expansion of blood vessels and trachea. They are all well-known hormones. The sex hormones produced by the genitals are related to the development of the genitals, pregnancy, and childbirth.

In addition to these hormones produced by specific organs, there are also substances called autocrine substances (local hormones). This hormone is produced in various parts of the body and acts near the site of production. Prostaglandin is its representative. Prostaglandins are substances found in the human prostate and are now known to have effects on a wide range of organs such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, and reproductive system.

As for histamine, it is also an autocrine substance produced from histine (an amino acid). It is now known to affect a wide range of organs such as breathing and circulation.

nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements, also known as nutraceuticals and health foods, are tablets made of nutrients and trace elements needed to maintain health, making them easy to take.

Diet pills are also well-known nutritional supplements, but they can also cause accidents. In 2002, N-nitrosodiethylaniline contained in Chinese-made diet foods caused three deaths and hospitalized 45 people for more than a week. In 2005, diet foods also made in China contained harmful substances such as mazindol and sibutramine, which led to fatal accidents that may have been caused by these two substances.

In addition, collagen agents that lubricate joints have recently been launched on the market. Collagen is a type of protein, and up to 30% of all proteins in the human body are collagen.

Not only collagen, but all proteins are huge natural polymers composed of hundreds of amino acid molecules, which cannot be absorbed by the intestinal wall. Therefore, before protein is absorbed by the intestinal wall, it is broken down into amino acids by gastric acid in the stomach. Some of the absorbed amino acids will be further decomposed into carbon dioxide, urea and energy, and some will be recombined into proteins.

But there is no evidence that the amino acids from collagen can be recombined into collagen. The raw material of jelly, gelatin, is pure collagen, but I think there are few people who regard jelly as a collagen supplement.

What is the effect of energy supplements?

Energy drinks are the antidote to “summer fatigue.” But can energy drinks really relieve fatigue and restore energy?

The main ingredients contained in energy drinks are taurine, inositol, leucine, arginine, nicotinic acid and other substances, as well as vitamins such as B1, B2, and B6. Also contains caffeine, which acts as a mild stimulant.

In addition to aiding digestion, taurine is also a neurotransmitter. In addition, it also inhibits the generation of reactive oxygen species.

Inositol is said to be effective against fatty liver disease and hyperlipidemia, and some studies have shown that it can improve depression and panic disorder.

Leucine is an amino acid that makes up proteins. It is a necessary substance for the growth of young children and for adults to maintain nitrogen balance (the balance between nitrogen taken in through diet and nitrogen excreted).

Leucine helps maintain muscle by regulating the production and breakdown of proteins.

Arginine helps wound healing by activating immune responses, promoting cell proliferation, and promoting collagen production.

As for vitamin B complex? Vitamin B complex can supply energy and metabolize old waste materials, so it is also called the “vital vitamin”. Lack of any B complex can make you tired easily, so it is important to get a balanced intake of all B complexes. The inositol mentioned earlier is also a type of B complex.

Energy drinks contain a balance of these substances, so they actually have an effect. If problems occur, it may be because you rely too much on energy drinks and force yourself, or because you no longer pay attention to your diet.

(Website article)


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Editor in charge: Wang Xiaoming

#Lack #vitamins #hormones #lead #unhealthy #conditions #Metabolism #Nutrients

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