Unique with seeds processed into delicious and nutritious dishes

Vietnamese cuisine is commented by foreign tourists as delicious, with unique and extremely diverse preparation methods, creating many different dishes even though only one ingredient is needed such as vermicelli, pho, banh cuon… among them are cashew fruit.

Dishes made from cashew nuts are probably too familiar to everyone, but dishes made from cashew nuts will probably still be strange to many people. But few people know that cashew nuts can not only prepare delicious and strange dishes but are also nutritious and have good nutritional value for health.

Cashew fruit salad. (Photo: Women’s Newspaper)

Cashew chicken salad is one of the most delicious dishes because of the mild sourness, sweetness and subtle astringency of the cashew fruit mixed with the chewy sweetness of the chicken, creating a unique taste. Maybe at first some tourists won’t get used to it right away, but gradually they will be irresistibly attracted to it. With the ingredients being ripe cashews, chicken and accompanying spices, following the salad recipe will result in a very delicious and unique dish. This salad is served with sweet and sour fish sauce and grilled rice paper or shrimp chips. Cashew fruit has a mild sour taste, mixed with other spices so it is refreshing, easy to eat, stimulates digestion and is good for health.

The meat of the cashew fruit is fragrant, sweet and attractive, the pork belly or chicken is crispy and delicious, absorbing the spices, combined with cinnamon leaves and fried onions to make the dish even more delicious. The fragrant salad has a faint scent of ripe cashew fruit. When eaten, the cashew fruit is both naturally sweet and sour, and rich in the spices of chili fish sauce.

With a bit of sourness and spiciness that stimulates the taste buds, combined with mango and herbs helps make the dish harmonious and well-rounded. This is also one of the dishes that restaurants include on the menu and is enjoyed by many tourists.

Vietnamese cuisine: Cashew sour soup

This unique type of fruit can be processed into a delicious and nutritious dish - Photo 2.

Cashew sour soup. (Photo: Ha Giang)

The cashew sour soup is also extremely attractive, anyone who has eaten it will find it hard to forget the taste they enjoyed. This dish is prepared with fresh shrimp and accompanying spices. The soup has the characteristic aroma of ripe cashews, is both sour and sweet as if it melts in the mouth, and is deliciously enjoyed with hot rice. Suitable as a weekend dish for the family to cool down on hot days.

When buying shrimp, cut off the head and tail, wash and drain. Cashew fruit, remove the seeds, wash, cut into bite-sized pieces. Wash okra and cut into pieces. Wash tomatoes, bean sprouts, and seasoning vegetables. Crush the garlic and mince it. Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil, when the oil boils, add the garlic and fry until golden, then add the cloves and stir to remove the fishy smell. After about 5 minutes, turn off the stove. Boil water, add tamarind and boil for about 5 minutes, then take it out, pour boiling water into the bowl of tamarind, use a spoon to crush it to make it sour. Then use a sieve to get the sour water and remove the seeds.

Add a few slices of sliced ​​chili, turn off the stove when the soup is boiling, then add okra, tomatoes, bean sprouts and seasoning vegetables. Adding vegetables right after turning off the stove helps prevent the vegetables from becoming soft and the soup will be more delicious. Ladle the soup into a bowl and enjoy.

Fresh cashew fruit is both sour and sweet and has an astringent taste, but when cooked in soup, the astringent taste disappears and the sweet and sour taste is mixed in the soup, making it indescribably rich. Sip a spoonful of soup, as well as spinach and tomatoes, but why is the sour cashew soup taste so different from other bowls of sour soup? Is it because there is the gentle scent of clear nights, the coolness of windy afternoons and the bright sunshine of hot afternoons.

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