University of Chihuahua (UACH) Plans to Open New Medicine Program in Ciudad Juárez and Expand Educational Offerings

2023-12-16 20:49:33

The rector of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH), Luis Rivera Campos, reported that the opening of the Medicine program will soon take place in Ciudad Juárez, as an extension of the faculty located in the state capital.

Rivera Campos indicated that the main reason why this opening has been delayed is due to the laboratories, which are essential for the third semester of the degree, “we are working on it so that it is ready in a timely manner for the first generation of medicine in Juárez.”

The opening of this degree in the border city was delayed due to problems with the requirements to begin the construction of the infrastructure, although they already have a campus where it might be built, they continue with the corresponding analyzes to guarantee a good educational level.

In addition, the rector of the UACH indicated that the opening of the Faculty of Public Accounting for the municipality of Cuauhtémoc is within the possibility, likewise, he mentioned that research continues on the possibility of opening new degree programs at the university.

Just as there is the possibility of opening new careers in the city of Delicias, which would be directed to specialties in relation to the use and management of water for irrigation, due to the demands that the region has, it is considered to bring new university tools, that allows the training of new professionals.

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For these and upcoming projects that are planned at the university, Rivera mentioned that following a meeting with the SEP, they were informed that the resources provided to the university will be 44 million, however, he stressed that the first will meet with the rectors of other universities to talk regarding these topics.

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However, he also mentioned that at the UACH, thanks to the university community, they do not see themselves in a scenario where investment is reduced, but rather increases. Even so, he did not rule out that the resource granted by the federal body is of great help. to the university when remodeling and creating new infrastructure.

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Since it is thanks to this that they can offer new research schemes for students, teachers and graduates who stay in the educational facilities to continue with their work that helps citizens, such as social research that is in progress on immigration problems.

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