Unlocking Happiness: Embracing Neophilia for a Fulfilling Life – Insights from Harvard Expert

2024-03-22 11:44:11

Which is the quality that can help us be happier according to him Harvard happiness expert Arthur Brooks? La neofilia. La neophilia is a term used to define a person who experiences a strong push towards the new, both objects and experiences. The development of communications has contributed to the use of this word, popularized by the writer of Robert Anton Wilson to qualify people addicted to the latest technologies. Like many things, neophilia can become a problem. In psychology, neophilic behavior is associated with a behavioral problem that is characterized by obsession with the new to the point of condition our actions or the conception we have of ourselves. Recently, the happiness expert Arthur Brooks, invites us to recover the positive concept of neophilia. The Harvard University professor considers it a basic ingredient of our happiness.

4 keys to practicing the quality that makes you happy, according to the Harvard expert

“Neophilia is the love or enthusiasm for the new or noveland can lead to happiness“explains Brooks. Neophilia is related to happiness to the extent that it is associated with extroversion and extroversion is a great predictor of happiness. “Neophilia also makes us happy because it is a engine from curiosityone of the basic positive emotions of the human being (the other is happiness)”. According to the Harvard expert, you can stimulate your healthy neophilia with these 4 keys:

  • Question your tastes and do experiments. We tend to think that our tastes are set in stone and that we cannot change them, but that is not true. “Make a list of things you don’t like and that you normally avoid. Then he goes through the list and starts trying those things. Food is a good start. You can also visit places and participate in activities that you usually reject,” invites Brooks.
  • Choose curiosity over comfort. “Write one list of new experiences and ideas to try and explore, one a week.” For example, “if you never read fiction – not because you don’t like it but because you are more used to biographies – choose a novel. If you always watch that old movie you love, try a more current one; If you go to the same vacation spot every year, make sure you differentiate yourself,” explains Brooks.
  • Avoid the trap of new for new. “If you are very neophilic, you may already be following the suggestions above and reaping their rewards.” But if you tend to be unstable and look for quick solutions in material news, Brooks offers you an alternative. “Try to balance the satisfaction you get from “rapid consumption”: Don’t buy anything unnecessary for two months. “Your interest is likely to migrate from online shopping to more satisfying activities.”
  • Make more conscious decisions. “Research shows that when we are in crisis, make decisions more slowly improves results. Since everything is urgent for neophiliacs, it will benefit them to make their decisions more deliberately. For example, would you like to take a job as a bungee jumping instructor? Duérmelo. Then spend a couple of days imagining your life in three years if you make that decision. Finally, ask for advice a couple of trusted friends.
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