“Unlocking Happiness: Understanding and Boosting Your Body’s 4 Hormones of Happiness”

2023-05-29 17:25:50

In our body there are chemical substances that can affect our emotions and well-being

Although it seems like magic and even an invention germinated in the corners of our neighborhood, the hormones of happiness exist, and are present in our body. They are chemicals that influence brain activity., generating well-being, pleasure, relaxation or euphoria. They are the dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.

The 4 hormones of happiness

However, we must do our part to keep them up and running, and thus feel truly happy. After a brief description, we will list different ways to increase the levels of these 4 happiness hormones in our body.


The 4 hormones of happiness

is the motivation and reward hormone. It is produced in the brain and influences behaviour, cognition and motor activity.

Not only is it in charge of generating that pleasurable feeling in the face of a positive reward (for example, a delicious dessert), but also it is released before performing said action and therefore also has a motivational function.


The 4 hormones of happiness

It affects the metabolic processes, mood, emotions, sleep, and sexual activityamong others.

Help to regulate sleep and wake statesand also It helps to relax and experience a sense of well-being.


The 4 hormones of happiness

Has neuromodulatory functionshence its action has an impact on our social and sentimental behaviors, sexual patterns, and even on parental behavior.

this hormone it rises when we feel happy, or experience pleasant sensations, such as being in love. The well-being that it produces us directly influences our behavior, increasing confidence and reducing social fearat the same time that raises empathy, favoring social relationships.


The 4 hormones of happiness

They have a analgesic effect that produces a feeling of well-being and euphoriaand that is where its great role is focused in contributing to making us happier.

How to increase happiness hormones?

The 4 hormones of happiness

exist different alternatives to put these chemical substances present in our body to work. By putting into practice some of the following actions we will be contributing to our feeling of well-being and happiness.

  • Accomplish physical exercise regularly (raises serotonin and endorphins)
  • Escuchar music and dance (free endorphins and raises dopamine)
  • Embrace (increases oxytocin)
  • enjoy a good food (raises dopamine)
  • Market outdoor time (free serotonin and increases endorphins)
  • Have sexual intercourse (free dopamine y oxytocin)

#Marie #Claire #happiness #hormones #increase #levels

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