Unlocking Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Methods

2023-08-27 03:53:21

Non-invasive brain stimulation in a nutshell

In psychiatry, traditional treatments include drugs such as antidepressants, physical methods such as electroconvulsive therapy (brief electrical stimulation of the brain), and psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy. These treatments can help the brain rewire and encourage the release of positive neurotransmitters. However, they are not suitable for everyone.

In the last decade, new non-invasive brain stimulation methods have emerged, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS), or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In short, these methods are non-invasive, advanced treatments that use electromagnetic stimuli to stimulate specific parts of the brain. This is a painless approach that can help people suffering from cognitive impairment due to conditions like Long Covid.

The three techniques mentioned use different electromagnetic signals. While TMS uses a magnetic field to stimulate the brain, TPS uses a pulsed electromagnetic field and tDCS uses a constant direct current electric current. The stimulation of the brain varies depending on the technique.

TMS and TPS have a more immediate, short-lived effect on the brain and can reach deeper regions, while tDCS appears to have a longer-lasting effect. In addition, magnetic stimulation with TMS has a more local effect on brain activity than techniques that use electrical current for stimulation (TPS and tDCS). All of these techniques have shown positive effects on cognitive impairment in clinical studies.

#Brain #stimulation #Long #Covid #Health

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