Unraveling the Truth: Debunking the ‘Tridactyl Nasca Humanoid Mummies’ in Peru

2023-09-15 00:20:00

After Jaime Maussan, ufologist and journalist, presented in the Mexican Congress the supposed ‘tridactyl Nasca humanoid mummies’ (with three fingers) found in Peru, a series of doubts have arisen about the authenticity of these specimens. This story has once again put our country in the center of attention, a story that had previously captured interest in public opinion and experts.

It is undeniable that our country has witnessed countless historical discoveries that have left an indelible mark. From the ancient civilization of Caral, the oldest in America, to the enigmatic Incas with their majestic Machu Picchu. However, certain bad practices are putting our image at risk. This is largely due to the resurgence of the story of the supposed ‘aliens’ found in Nasca in 2017.

There were a total of five specimens found between the cities of Palpa and Nazca, very close to the geoglyphs. The specimens that are today found at the San Luis Gonzaga University of Ica (UNICA) were cataloged in 2017 as ‘the great archaeological discovery of the 21st century’ because some pseudoscientists suggested that they were ‘aliens’.

The mummies display three fingers on each hand, elongated skulls and narrow torsos, leading some people to speculate that they could be extraterrestrial entities. In addition, the theory is raised that the Nazca Lines, representations of animals, plants and geometric shapes drawn on the Earth’s surface, were made by beings from another world. Some even boldly suggest that they functioned as landing pads for alien ships.

However, the discovery of the five specimens of supposed extraterrestrial origin was denied by the World Committee on Mummy Studies, one of the most important organizations in the study of mummies, as well as by other experts on the subject.

For example, the Ph.D. Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi, an expert affiliated with the Paleontology Division of the American Museum of Natural History in the United States, who explained that the hands and feet of these mummies are actually human remains whose fingers were amputated at the edges to achieve that peculiar ‘alien’ appearance.

“I conclude that the three fingers on the hand are the result of removing the phalanges and metacarpals of the thumb and little finger. The feet would have suffered the mutilations, in addition to the cutting of the skin and soft tissue of the foot behind the toes, producing a foot with extremely long toes, without a unified support plant and functionally useless,” he indicated in an article.

Furthermore, in 2020, forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada, who investigated the corpses on behalf of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Peru, offered a detailed conference in which he argued that the supposed aliens were actually remains of pre-Hispanic human beings. that had been subjected to alterations for profit.

“The remains of alleged aliens are creations made from animal and human bones held together with synthetic glue. These, in turn, have been covered by a mixture of plant fibers and synthetic adhesives to simulate a type of skin. Recent manufacturing is established,” he said.

Similarly, the doctor and physical anthropologist Guido Lombardi, who has studied mummies in Peru and around the world, indicated that adult-sized individuals are pre-Columbian beings “that have been modified for commercial purposes, and the supposed small mummies are structures that “They have been armed.”

Last Wednesday, the Mexican journalist presented two mummified remains of presumed child size and of ‘alien’ origin, alluding that they are sufficient proof to support the existence of extraterrestrial life. Several specialists from different countries attended the site, including a military pilot who pointed out that in the air “these phenomena can be observed,” referring to the extraterrestrial ships.

Jaime Maussan presented stuffed bodies of alleged aliens. Photo: Chamber of Deputies

“They are non-human beings that are not part of our terrestrial evolution and that, after they disappear, there is no further evolution,” Maussan said in Congress. “According to the Autonomous University of Mexico, who carried out the carbon 14 analysis, these beings are around 1,000 years old, that is, they are not beings that were recovered in ships that are crashed, but rather they are beings that They were buried in diatom mines, a fossilized algae that is 17 million years old, it is phytoplankton that was abundant at that time, and when it disappeared it became fossilized,” said Jaime Maussan.

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