Unveiling the Hidden Symptoms: 5 Lesser-Known Signs of Brain Tumors

2023-07-01 14:00:37

In France, approximately 3,500 new cases of brain tumors are diagnosed each year, representing 2% of all cancer cases. It is a disease that the Brain Institute considers a major priority because of the 2940 annual deaths it causes.

In this article, we’ll highlight five lesser-known symptoms of brain tumors that require special attention. Knowing these symptoms can help those looking to be proactive about health and wellness to take preventative action.

What is a brain tumor and how does it grow?

A brain tumor is an abnormal collection of cells in the brain or spinal cord. It can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). These tumors are usually the result of uncontrolled growth of normal cells that form a mass. There are many types of brain tumors, depending on the type of cell affected and the location of the tumor in the brain.

Some tumors are primary, that is, they form from cells located in the brain, while others are secondary, forming elsewhere in the body and spreading to the brain by metastasis. Brain tumors can also be classified by their grade, which indicates how fast they grow and how likely they are to spread.

Cause, symptom, risk factor: How to recognize a brain tumour?

The exact cause of most primary brain tumors is unknown, but some risk factors have been identified. They understand :

Familial genetic mutations. Exposure to radiation or certain chemicals. Previous treatment with chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancers in other parts of the body.

Symptoms associated with a brain tumor can include:

Headaches. Epileptic seizures. Changes in behavior. Slowing of movement. Speech difficulties.

Diagnosis usually involves imaging tests such as computed tomography (CT) or MRI to detect any abnormalities, followed by a biopsy to further analyze tissue samples taken from the tumor. Treatment options depend on the type and stage of the tumor, but may include surgery, followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

The five telltale signs of brain tumors you should not ignore

Hallucinations auditives :

Auditory hallucinations are among the common signs seen in brain tumor patients. These hallucinations occur when the patient hears voices or noises that do not actually exist. This is because the tumor can affect areas of the brain responsible for hearing and interpreting sounds. Auditory hallucinations can be particularly disturbing to the patient, as they can make it difficult to distinguish between real sounds and those that are simply the result of the tumor.

Loss of interest:

Another common symptom of brain tumors is loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities. This can include disinterest in work, hobbies, social relationships, or even daily tasks. This is due to changes in the regions of the brain that regulate emotions, motivation, and engagement with activities. This loss of interest can have a significant impact on the patient’s quality of life and can also lead to symptoms such as depression or anxiety.

Frequently forgotten:

Brain tumors can also cause memory and concentration problems. This may be due to increased pressure on regions of the brain responsible for memory and information processing. Affected patients may have difficulty retaining new information, recalling past events, or even following an ongoing conversation. This difficulty in remembering things can affect the patient’s daily functioning, as well as their quality of life and self-confidence.

Sudden growth of hands or feet:

In some cases of brain tumors, sudden growth of the hands or feet may be observed. This phenomenon, known as acromegaly, is associated with dysfunction of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for producing and regulating many hormones in the body. This gland can be affected by a tumor, leading to excessive secretion of growth hormone, resulting in abnormal growth of certain parts of the body. Acromegaly can lead to joint pain, numbness, and decreased mobility, making treatment of the underlying tumor important.

Vision and eye disorders:

Vision and eye disturbances are also a potential sign of the presence of a brain tumor. Patients with brain tumors may experience visual disturbances such as blurred vision, loss of peripheral vision, or the appearance of blind spots. They may also experience eye pain, watery eyes, or droopy eyelids. These symptoms may result from pressure exerted by the tumor on the optic nerve or other areas of the brain responsible for processing visual information.

#LittleKnown #Symptoms #Brain #Tumors

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