Unveiling the Mysteries: Jiang Mianheng, Yanjiao Explosion, and the Enigma of “New Quality Productivity”

2024-03-16 00:04:14

Jiang Mianheng was involved in the military’s reversal of Xi; the Two Sessions were unlucky. How deep was the water behind the explosion in Yanjiao? Trying to figure it out, the State Council has dwarfed itself; is the “new quality productivity” due to a slip of the tongue? (Provided by “Elite Forum”)

[The Epoch Times, March 15, 2024]Many incidents occurred in China during the Two Sessions in Beijing this year, including explosions, fires, vicious social security cases, etc. The latest incident was that just after the Two Sessions, something happened in Yanjiao on the edge of Beijing A large explosion accident, official reports said that 7 people died and more than 20 people were injured. In addition, the CCP proposed a new concept “new quality productivity” at the two sessions, which attracted attention from the outside world. Is this “new quality productivity” the CCP’s new economic policy, or is it just a mystery?

The cause of the big explosion in Yanjiao is kept secret by officials

Independent TV producer Li Jun said in NTDTV’s “Elite Forum” program that Beijing and Yanjiao are separated by a river. On this side of the river is Yanjiao, and on the other side of the river is Tongzhou, Beijing. Yanjiao is only about 30 kilometers away from the center of Beijing, which is closer than many Beijing suburbs. There is a video of the Yanjiao explosion on the Internet. I was very surprised when I saw it. The explosion blew up the entire building in an instant. , it doesn’t feel like an accident, like the missiles used in the Kazakh-Israeli war. The warhead has a large yield and can blow up a building in one go. The CCP said it was a liquefied gas explosion in a fried chicken restaurant, but the staff of the fried chicken restaurant responded and said, I don’t use gas here at all, I use electricity. Therefore, there are many doubts about this explosion. What people are paying attention to is why there was such a powerful explosion?

Shi Shan, senior editor and chief writer of The Epoch Times, said in the “Elite Forum” that I saw a lot of opinions on the Internet. Some people said it was revenge against society, and some people said it was a leak in the gas pipeline, but the gas company said we don’t have a pipeline either. Passing by that place, this incident indeed triggered a lot of speculation, especially since the explosion site was so close to Beijing.

“The Epoch Times” editor-in-chief Guo Jun said in the “Elite Forum” that Beijing’s Feng Shui is surrounded by mountains to the west and north, and plains to the east and south. Beijing faces south in a pattern. Yanjiao is said to be home to 300,000 people who work in Beijing. A lot has happened around Beijing in the past two years. Floods occurred last summer. Floods occurred in the mountains to the west and flooded many places in Hebei Province in the southwest. At the beginning of spring this year, there was a big explosion in Yanjiao in the east. This scene is very ominous. It feels like dire straits. I feel as if there is a force at work that wants to subvert Beijing.

Li Jun said in the “Elite Forum” that Yuan Hongbing recently broke the news that the failure of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China may be mainly due to political reasons. It is said that after Qin Gang and Li Shangfu were arrested, they revealed that there are a group of people in the diplomatic system and the military system such as the Rocket Force system who are not loyal to Xi Jinping in their hearts, which has caused great difficulties for Xi Jinping. Recently, a new situation is even more serious. After Ju Gansheng, the commander of the strategic support force, and Xu Zhongbo, the former political commissar of the Rocket Force, were controlled, the two men gave a very thorough explanation. They finally confessed to Jiang Mianheng, saying that many officials formed a political gang with Jiang Mianheng. These people are not only corrupt, but also engaged in unorganized political activities. They privately express doubts and disapproval of Xi Jinping’s ability to govern. Most of these people belong to the Xi family army, which gives Xi Jinping a headache and makes him hesitant.

Guo Jun said in the “Elite Forum” that Jiang Mianheng once served as the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was in charge of rocket and satellite launches. He received a doctorate in the United States, majoring in materials physics. In 2004, Jiang Mianheng also served as the deputy commander-in-chief of Shenzhou-5 and the chief scientist of the Innovation-1 small satellite. In 2007, he served as the deputy leader of the lunar exploration engineering team. He is also the deputy commander-in-chief of the Chang’e Project. , and in 2008 he also served as deputy commander-in-chief of Shenzhou-7. In other words, Jiang Mianheng is indeed connected with those people in the Rocket Force and the Equipment Department of the Central Military Commission. For example, Li Shangfu was originally the commander-in-chief of the Xichang Rocket Launch Center, so they are both the commander-in-chief of rocket launches, so there is some inevitable connection. There is also the Strategic Support Force. One of the key projects of the Strategic Support Force is low-orbit satellites. Jiang Mianheng was originally the chief scientist of the so-called low-orbit satellites, so they have a lot of overlap.

Now that the Rocket Force and Strategic Support Force are under comprehensive investigation, Jiang Mianheng is implicated. This statement is actually reasonable. In addition, we have also said that the Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force, and General Armament Department are all places where professionals are concentrated. Most of them have received a good professional education. They psychologically look down on people who have not received formal education, or are relatively Look down on these people, this is a very normal psychology. Even if they don’t say it on the surface, they may not say it behind the scenes. There will definitely be various speeches to protect the core in public, but in private, especially when eating, after drinking some wine, they will inevitably say some disrespectful words to the party leader. . The current problem is that Beijing governs officials based on private speeches. Speeches made in various private situations and at various wine tables will become important basis for official review.

We often see reports from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection that officials are two-faced, have bad political conduct, etc. This shows that the CCP is dissatisfied with the political decisions and measures at the highest level. They have many inner opinions, and it is very likely that A large number of opposition groups have formed, which highlights the intensification of internal conflicts among the top leadership of the CCP.

Guo Jun said that because this kind of thing is so common, it is said that the highest levels in Beijing are considering a comprehensive criticism of the era of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, ranging from theories to various policies and measures. On the one hand, this will highlight Xi Jinping’s so-called achievement of turning the tide; on the other hand, it will also require another fundamental clean-up and purge within the party.

Cai Shenkun, a senior Chinese media person who lived in the United States, said in the “Elite Forum” that if Xi Jinping wants to comprehensively criticize the era of Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, it would be a hysterical approach. Because no matter what, the Communist Party still has some inheritance. For example, Deng Xiaoping must have had a deep hatred for Mao Zedong, but later he still held up Mao Zedong’s affairs, and then quietly put it down. I think that Xi Jinping has this kind of inheritance when he is today. The reason why he has been able to sit so firmly in this position in the past ten years is because Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao have accumulated wealth for him in front of him. If he did not have such a family background, , I don’t think he can sit in his position today.

For example, when Deng Xiaoping took over Mao Zedong, it was a mess and it would be very difficult for anyone to fix it. If you continue to follow Mao Zedong’s path, you won’t be able to go on. I believe that Xi Jinping has tried in recent years. He wants to go back to Mao’s era for a while, but every time he goes back, it is actually very difficult. Although we see that he is now highly concentrated in power and keeps his word, his power now has exceeded that of Mao Zedong’s era. During Mao Zedong’s era, Zhou Enlai still had a large part of the power, but now almost everything, including the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, and the State Council, has Without any power, he basically has the final say. In this case, without any restrictions, he still can’t do many of the things he wants to do. If he completely denies Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao, I think the whole party, the whole army, and the people of the country may not necessarily turn this corner. The road ahead for him is actually more difficult. After he denies them, what kind of road will he take? Is he really following Mao Zedong’s path of seclusion? That one is impassable, and he has wanted to leave in recent years, but when the city was closed and cleared, a few pieces of white paper knocked him down. So I think we should not take centralization too seriously. Sometimes centralization breaks down, and in fact it only happens in an instant.

“New Productivity” is a myth, and experts all over the country are confused.

Cai Shenkun said in the “Elite Forum” that I have been paying close attention to “new productivity” in the past few days. Judging from some reports in the “People’s Daily” or Xinhua News Agency, judging from the conversations of representatives or members of the Two Sessions, in fact, No one has figured out what this “new productive force” is. No one has figured it out. I think it was probably a slip of the tongue when Xi Jinping talked about this topic when he went to Heilongjiang last year. Because at the beginning, I saw an article published by the Party School of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee in the People’s Daily. When he interpreted this new quality productivity, according to his understanding, he said it means new knowledge and new awareness, which means that we Be very sensitive to new things. But later, I don’t know why the propaganda department or the Party Central Committee finally made it into a matter of quality, which is not knowledge. This is a slip of the tongue. What is very funny now is that all the people are expressing or swearing how to develop “new productive forces.” I have been joking about it in the past few days. Generally speaking, China actually does not need any “new productive forces.” After a party is highly centralized, the main thing is to delegate power. Only by delegating power will all productivity be maximized. Big play.

In the past few decades in China, when we talk about economic development, economic take-off, or some positive changes in reforms, the main reason is that the party decentralized power in the past. Once you decentralize power, all productivity will be greatly released. And for the common people, only by delegating power can people have expectations for the future, and various production factors will develop in a positive and healthy way. Now you are only talking about this so-called “new productive force” without really decentralizing power or loosening ties. Now these companies, including some officials, are at a loss as to what to do. Talking about “new quality productivity” is completely high-spirited and vague. I believe they themselves don’t even know what “new quality productivity” is. If you look at the articles interpreted by “People’s Daily”, including those interpreted by theoretical experts, they all have their own interpretations. No one can truly express “new productive forces” clearly. Sometimes they say it is artificial intelligence, and sometimes they say it is technology. Innovation. What exactly is “new productivity”? I believe there is no complete explanation until now.

The new TV program “Elite Forum” launched by NTDTV and The Epoch Times is a high-end TV forum based in the Chinese world. The program will bring together elites from all walks of life around the world to focus on hot topics, analyze the general trend of the world, and provide viewers with relevant social affairs and history. An in-depth look at the truth.

Please watch the entire content of this issue of “Elite Forum” online.

——”Elite Forum” production team

Editor in charge: Li Hao#

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