Unveiling the Secret: Russia’s Reliance on Kitchen Appliances in the Ukraine War

2023-07-17 06:32:57

The Ukraine war devours masses of material, weapons and resources every day. Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has repeatedly emphasized how vital foreign supplies are.

And Russia? Apparently relies on kitchen appliances in the fight against scarce resources!

As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper (FAS) reports, the Russians are said to be dismantling household appliances and installing their chips in Russian Iskanders and Kinschals. American experts with insider knowledge have confirmed this to the Sunday newspaper.

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Particularly explosive: The built-in parts and devices could come from goods from EU countries – although they have actually imposed sanctions on Russia, do not deliver to the giant empire in the east.

But there are indications that Russia may well override sanctions via third countries, such as Georgia, Armenia, Berlarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Means: A company from Germany, for example, delivers its goods to Kazakhstan because there are no sanctions there. But unbeknownst to the German company, the Kazakhs forwarded the shipment to Russia.

An indication of this thesis: On the one hand, EU exports to Central Asia rose by 15 to 90 percent in the war year 2022. On the other hand, trade between Russia and Central Asia increased by 63 percent at the same time. For example, refrigerator imports to Kazakhstan have increased 23-fold. An indication that some of the technology is resold to Russia – and ends up there in rockets.

German components, such as electronics and insulating material, are also said to have found their way into the Russian armaments industry. According to Ukraine, 16 companies from Germany provided material for weapons.

The Foreign Office is checking this information “very carefully”, as the FAS was told.

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